Professor David Foxcroft

PhD CPsychol

Professor of Community Psychology and Public Health

Department of Psychology, Health and Professional Development

David Foxcroft


I’m an academic psychologist working in the UK. I’ve previously worked at the Universities of Portsmouth and Southampton, and also ran a NHS R&D Support Unit for a while. Now I work at Oxford Brookes University and teach across the Psychology and the Public Health BSc, MSc and PhD Degrees. I’ve also taught and examined at many other Universities in the UK and overseas. My personal website is here.

My programme of research is focused on understanding (and improving) behaviour in context, especially how social structures (e.g. families, schools, communities, employers, regulation, government) can support improved health and wellbeing in communities and populations. A focus is the prevention of risk behaviours in children and young people.

We have an excellent training programme for PhD students, and I am a postgraduate supervisor for several students. If you are interested in pursuing a PhD in behavioural health or prevention then please get in touch to discuss.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

Full details can be found on my personal website 

Research Students

Name Thesis title Completed
Urvita Bhatia Co-producing a prevention intervention for adolescent substance use and misuse in a sports-based setting in India Active
Parvati Perman-Howe The effect of alcohol strength on alcohol consumption Active
Luke Prout Self-confidence in non-conveyance decision making amongst paramedics Active
Briony Enser Alcohol Driven Harm to Others 2018


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