Mr Gus Strang
RGN (Scot), RHV (lapsed), MSc, PGCert
Deputy Programme Lead for Adult Nursing (Swindon)
Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery

I have 20 years’ experience at Oxford Brookes University as a senior lecturer, teaching on a range of subjects, predominantly in the inter-professional part of the course. I have completed 12 years working as Field Chair/Subject Co-ordinator for the BSc and MSc pre-registration nursing courses in Swindon and I am currently the Deputy Programme Lead for Adult Nursing in Swindon. As well as supporting the Programme Lead, my main work is in increasing student engagement and improving communication with the student body here in Swindon.
Areas of expertise
- Interprofessional Education/Working;
- Action Learning Sets;
- Development, implementation and management of the Virtual Family teaching and learning tool.
Teaching and supervision
- Nursing (Mental Health) - Pre-Registration (MSc)
- Nursing (Adult) (BSc (Hons))
- Nursing (Children's) (BSc (Hons))
- Nursing (Mental Health) (BSc (Hons))
Modules taught
- Foundations of Nursing Practice
- Research Methods and Analysis
I have also taught on a wide range of modules in the past - among these were:
- Partnerships
- Introduction to Person Centered Care
- Developing Person Centered Care
- Experiences of Health and Illness
- Consolidation of Nursing Practice
Development of the Virtual Family online learning resource.
Action Learning Sets for MSc students. Implementation of Action Learning Sets for BSc students.
Have previously taught Evidence Based Practice and Human Resource Management as part of the Hong Kong Flying Faculty.
Dissertation supervision for BSc and MSc students (UK and Hong Kong).
Evaluation of Action Learning Sets in a pre-registration MSc Nursing curriculum (published)
Further details
Other experience
Since training as a Registered General Nurse from 1982-85, I have worked in Orthopaedic Nursing, Rheumatology and Head injury rehab. In the early 90s, I went on to train as a Health Visitor and then became a Community Practice Teacher. I undertook an 18 Month secondment as Community Services Manager in North Wiltshire, managing community nursing services and community hospitals in Malmesbury and Chippenham, before moving into Higher Education on a Lecturer Practitioner secondment at Brookes.
Project work in clinical environments: Implementation of electronically read Patient Satisfaction Survey at RNHRD in Bath; Implementation of Primary Nursing in a young disabled unit.