Dr Juanxi Wang


Senior Lecturer in Economics

Oxford Brookes Business School

Juanxi Wang


I am a senior Lecturer in Economics and an Associate fellow of the higher education academy. I am also an associate fellow of the Institute for New Economic Thinking at University of Oxford. I hold a PhD jointly awarded by University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands and Bielefeld University in Germany. My PhD is supported by EDEEM fellowship from European Commission. Prior to joining OBBS, I am a lecturer at the Cranfield University and Glasgow Caledonian University, a research associate at the Heriot-Watt University, and a KTP associate at the University of Strathclyde.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

  • International finance
  • Financial markets and institution
  • Contemporary issues in finance
  • Macro I

I have taught a range of quantitative, finance and economic related modules across BSc, MSc, MBA, Executive MBA, PhD and MSc Apprenticeship programs


I am interested in supervising PG and PhD projects in the following areas:

  • Financial stability
  • Financial market
  • Behaviour finance
  • Time series 
  • Housing market

Research Students

Name Thesis title Completed
Reginald Kadzutu Impact of Exchange rate regime on the sensitivity of expected return to macro-economic factors in the APT framework Active


My research focus on understanding the instability of financial market by applying complexity theory. I studies the systematic structure of financial systems and is particularly interested in the tipping point of the markets. The approaches include time series analysis on various financial data and agent-based modelling on human behaviours.

Research impact

I have published in peer-reviewed top academic journals such as Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. I am a frequent contributor to a wide range of national and international conferences. I serve as reviewer for several academic journals, such as Scottish Journal of political economics, Emerging markets finance and trade, Chinese management studies and Journal of mathematical finance. 


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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

  • Associate fellow of the Institute for New Economic Thinking at University of Oxford


  • “Incentives and Trading Strategies: A Dynamic Behaviour Approach in Fund Market”, 2019, 28th EBES conference, Coventry 
  • “Social Influence, Heterogenous Beliefs, and Asset Pricing Dynamics”, 2019, 5th International Workshop on “Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics”, Paris, France.
  • “ Asset Pricing Dynamics with Heterogenous Beliefs under Social Influence”, 2018, CeNDEF@20, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • “Early Warning Signals in Financial Market”, 2015, Thresholds, Tipping Points and Random Events in Dynamic Economic Systems, Tennessee, US.
  • “Can A Stochastic Cusp Catastrophe Model Explain Housing Market Crashes?” 2014, International conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics.
  • “Critical Slowing Down as An Early Warning Signal for Financial Crises?” 2013, International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics.
  • Catastrophe Modelling in Housing Market”, 2013, Society for Computational Economics Annual conference.
  • “Early Warning System of Financial Market”, 2013, Royal Economic Society Annual Conference. 


  • 2017 Economic impact modelling, BiP Solution Limited, University of Strathclyde
  • 2016 Data analysis of BiP services, BiP Solution Limited, University of Strathclyde