Dr Leisle Ezekiel


Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy

School of Sport, Nutrition and Allied Health Professions


I am a Senior Lecturer with the Occupational Therapy programme and Subject Coordinator for the MSc (pre registration) Occupational Therapy programme. 

Areas of expertise

Communuty neurorehabilitation and management of long term neurodisability.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

I teach on core Occupational Therapy modules for both BSc and MSc programmes and module lead the MSc Dissertation project module and Collaborative practice in health and social care. 

My teaching revolves around management of complex disability and neurological conditions, occupational therapy theory and practice, research  methods and design. I am particularly interested in the application of simulation practice in clinical education.


I supervise MSc and BSc students in the development of research proposals and literature reviews for dissertations.


 I am currently studying for a PhD. My research interests include impact of fatigue after acquired brain injury, social participation and the use of technology within rehabilitation.

Research group membership

I am part of MOReS (Centre for Movement, Occupational and Rehabilitation Sciences) and affiliated with Oxford Institute of Midwifery, Nursing and Allied Health Research (OXiNMAHR).

Research projects

My current research project is centred around "in the moment" assessment of fatigue after acquired brain injury (ABI) and the potential of wearable devices and SMART phone applications to support assessments and intervention planning. I am currently conducting a study involving Occupational Therapists and brain injury survivors to assist in the design and testing of a smart fatigue assessment.

This study is informed by a qualitative study which explored the experience of ABI survivors (and their carers or family  members) of fatigue after brain injury.

I completed a systematic review of factors affecting participation after stroke.

Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

  • Member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists
  • Committee member of the South East Specialist section in neurological practice (Occupational Therapy)
  • Member of UK Acquired Brain Injury Forum and the British Society for Rehabilitation Research
  • Member of the Faculty  Research Ethics Committee (FREC) for Health and Life Sciences


  • Ezekiel, L., Collett J., Dawes H., Pang, L., & Mayo, N. (2107) “Factors associated with participation in life situations after stroke in community-dwelling adults: a systematic review. “ paper presented at the Royal College of Occupational Therapists  Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK. 20th June 2017. 
  • Ezekiel , L (2019) "Experiecnes of fatigue after acquired brain injury" paper presentation. Post graduate research symposium. Oxford Brookes, Oxford, UK 13th February 2019.
  • Stiger,R. Ezekiel, L, Ellis B ( 2019) Using simulation to increase student engagment in learning. Workshop at Brookes Teaching and Learning Conference, Oxford Brookes, Oxford, 13th June 2019.


  • Part of a EU funded project to establish a new master program in Rehabilitation Sciences at JUST (led by Jordan University of Science and Technology) and assist with curriculam development.

Further details


Other experience

Prior to working at Brookes, I was team leader and specialist occupational therapist in a community neuro-rehabiltiation team. I also have experience in inpatient, community, physical and mental health settings. More recently I worked in private practice as a brain injury case manager.