Dr Peter Wright
PhD, MSc (destinc), BSc (hons)
Programme Lead for Sport and Coaching Sciences
Department of Sport, Health Sciences and Social Work
I am the Programme Lead in charge of all the sport related academic programmes, which include three BScs and two taught MScs, plus the MSc by Research degree. Besides the management and development of the degrees my role entails promoting the research output of the team and developing outreaching activities.
My background is in Sport and Exercise Medicine and I have worked for four different universities to date – both in the UK and internationally. Another role in addition to my academic career was in the past to teach sports medicine modules on vocational training courses for GPs and cardiac, pulmonary and oncology consultants and nurses. I am working closely with the national initiative “Moving Medicine” and was part of the expert group in producing the latest module in paediatric oncology.
Besides my research interest and publications I have worked practically as a S&C coach in the early days of my career in athletics and rowing and later in rehabilitation, also setting up cancer rehab structures, leading rehabilitation programmes as well as working in Disease Management Programmes.
Teaching and supervision
- Applied Coaching Science (MSc)
- Applied Sport and Exercise Nutrition (MSc, PGDip, PGCert)
- Sport, Physical Activity and Health Promotion (BSc (Hons), DipHE, CertHE)
- Sport and Exercise Science (BSc (Hons))
- Sport, Coaching and Physical Education (BSc (Hons))
I have supervised over 30 MSc by Research and 3 PhDs and welcome queries in the areas of rehabilitation, hydrogen as medical treatment, military training and health technology.
My research has developed in the past from elite training and space medicine to chronic diseases (CHF, COPD, diabetes, cancer, and depression), occupational medicine, gerontology and more lately adult neurogenesis (neuroscience) and military medicine.
Centres and institutes
Projects as Principal Investigator, or Lead Academic if project is led by another Institution
- Get strong to fight childhood cancer: an exercise intervention for children and adolescents undergoing anti-cancer treatment (FORTE-e) (led by UNIVERSITAETSMEDIZIN DER JOHANNES GUTENBERG-UNIVERSITAET MAINZ) (01/03/2021 - 31/08/2026), funded by: European Commission, funding amount received by Brookes: £542,627
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES)
- European College of Sport Science (ECSS)
- Active Onco Kids (AOK - Germany)
Further details
Further non-academic qualifications:
- GP Exercise Referral Level 3
- Cardiac Rehab Level 4
- Obesity and Diabetes Level 4
- Pulmonary Rehab Level 4
- Cancer Rehab Level 4
- Physical Training Instructor
- Endurance Training Leader
- Health Trainer
- Coaching licence: athletics