Professor Rachel Harrison

Professor in Computer Science

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics

Rachel Harrison


Rachel Harrison is professor of computer science at Oxford Brookes University, UK.

Her research interests include software metrics, machine learning, and requirements engineering. Rachel is well known for her work on empirical and automated software engineering. She has over 160 publications (with over 4,400 citations on Google Scholar) and has consulted widely with industry, working with organizations such as IBM, Philips Research Labs, Praxis Critical Systems and The Open Group.

Rachel has served on over 50 international program committees, including ICSE, Promise, ESEM and EASE, and was founder and PC Chair or Co-Chair of both the RAISE workshops at IEEE ICSE and the AIRE workshops at IEEE RE. She is a member of the BCS, IEEE and ACM and is Editor-in-Chief of the Software Quality Journal, published by Springer.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

Rached is Module Leader for :

  • Essential Maths for University study
  • Study Skills
  • Advanced Software Development


Rachel is Director of DSERC (the Dependable System Engineering Centre), and was recently the Program Chair of AIRE, the Annual IEEE Workshop on AI and requirements engineering.

Centres and institutes



  • AI apps for the mining of big data (AIMi)
  • Automated review classification (ReClass)
  • Multi-Criteria Decision Support using AI (MuD)
  • Software Quality Improvement (SEQUIN)
  • Spectra-based fault localisation (Spectra)


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