Dr Shumao Ou


Senior Lecturer

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics

Shumao Ou


  • Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics
  • Wireless Communications, Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Multimedia Wireless Communications
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems, Wireless Vehicular Access
  • Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications
  • Mobile Cloud Computing, Mobile Social Networks

Research group membership

  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Research grants and awards

  • EU FP7 MONICA (Mobile Cloud Computing: Networks, Services and Architecture) Project (295222), www.fp7-monica.eu. The consortium comprises 7 universities: Oxford Brookes University (Project Coordinator), Institut Télécom & Management SudParis (France), University of Muenster (Germany), University of Essex (UK), Huazhong University of Science & Technology (China), Jilin University (China), Xidian University (China). Brookes is the leading university. Role: Project Coordinator and Principal Investigator (PI). (Jan 2012 – Dec 2015)
  • Consultancy service for "Proposal for ETHOS Validation of on-street parking monitoring system", Mar-2016 – June 2016
  • TSB Funded KTP Project on Robust Wireless Communications between Road Studs, Vehicles and Roadside Equipment (KTP009072). The industrial partner is Clearview Traffic Group (www.clearviewtraffic.com). Role: Principal Investigator and the Academic Supervisor of the KTP Associate. (Jan 2013 – May 2015)
  • UK EPSRC (Engineering & Physics Science Research Council) project PANDA (Policy-based Model-driven Pervasive Service Creation and Adaptation).  15th December 2006 – 14th June 2009, Role: Internal Co-investigator

Centres and institutes



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