CIRIN represented at a Solent University symposium

CIRIN represented at the Effecting Change symposium at Solent University.
CIRIN Research Fellows Maya Nedyalkova and Hanna Klien-Thomas contributed to the opening panel of the Effecting Change symposium at Solent University in January 2023. Their presentation Cultural partnerships and collaboration in the Creative Industries – Reflections on CIRIN at Oxford Brookes; focused on key activities, achievements and audiences reached since the birth of the network. Three examples of case-study collaborations with academics, cultural practitioners, institutions and industry partners illustrated how local, regional, national and international research, knowledge exchange and critical interventions are bolstered through the network’s activities. The symposium, Effecting Change: mapping the value of the creative and cultural industries, was a half-day event hosted by Solent University in association with Creative Network South on Friday 20th January.