School of Sport, Nutrition and Allied Health Professions

About the school

The School of Sport, Nutrition and Allied Health Professions brings together disciplines related to physical activity and health to form an academic community focused on physical wellbeing. We are passionate about community engagement and employability and have many links with external bodies and employers.

Social work student

Our facilities


We provide excellent opportunities for research, and actively encourage cross-discipline collaboration.

Our established and well regarded research communities undertake world leading research and the department offers a range of commercial services to external clients.

Research participant on an exercise bike


Our Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Paramedic Science, Dietetics, Nutrition and Sport courses offer a diverse range of placements for students in internationally renowned hospitals, community and industry settings. We are also proud to offer experience and placements in our Clinical Exercise and Rehabilitation (CLEAR) unit, Centre for Nutrition and Health and our Activities of Daily Living (ADL) suite.

Our courses examine contemporary issues related to sport, exercise, coaching and sports nutrition through theoretical, applied and professionalised methods of learning. The emphasis is on preparation for employability and development of high performing graduates, equipped with the skills they need to launch a successful career in their chosen field.
