Resignation process

Staff wishing to resign must do so in writing to their line manager, taking into consideration their contractual notice period

Line managers must complete the ServiceNow Revoke Systems Access and Resources for Leavers - see the guide on how to complete the form. Within this form is the Leaver Information Sheet that once completed, with resignation letter attached and signed, will be automatically sent to the People Directorate Operations Team

Information required by HR

HR are unable to process staff resignations unless they have been provided with all of the following information via the ServiceNow Leaver Information Sheet. 

Notice periods

The notice period to be given to terminate employment is:

  • Professional services staff:
    Spine points 29 and below - 1 month
    Spine points 30 to 47 - 2 months 
  • Academic staff: 2 months
  • Senior staff: 3 months 
  • All staff Grade 12 and above: 3 months

If you have questions regarding any aspect of the resignation process, please contact the People Directorate Operations Team