HERA guidance for role holders preparing for a grading appeal hearing


This guidance covers the 14 ‘elements’ that make up the  job evaluation scheme. It is intended to help you to write a written submission to the Grading Appeal Panel and to prepare for the appeal hearing itself.

The appeal panel will have a copy of your job description and your statement of the grounds for your appeal. At the meeting, the panel will ask questions for clarification and will give you an opportunity to explain why your role is not correctly graded.

An explanation of each element is provided and a number of questions are posed in relation to each element. Some of these questions may seem rather obvious but the intention is to help you identify the activities and responsibilities that are typical of your role (not just the most recent, rare or unusual ones). The main requirements of your role will be analysed, not activities or responsibilities you have become involved in for personal interest.

Role profiles

The University has developed ‘role profiles’ for some roles, e.g. academic roles (Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Research Lead, etc.) as well some support roles in Faculties. The role profiles are generic job descriptions which are underpinned by HERA to evaluate the grade. In these cases, grading will be undertaken by matching the job description and duties against the relevant role profile. See the following links for more information:

Preparation for your appeal

Support staff are entitled to ask for the points scores for their job which gives a breakdown of how the job was graded for each aspect of the role (the 14 'elements'). This may help you identify individual elements where you think your role should be scored more highly. If your job description does not reflect the duties you undertake, this needs to be discussed with your line manager

You can discuss the scoring of the role with a trade union representative or your line manager and ask their advice.

When you submit an appeal request, you will be asked to list the elements of the role which you believe have been underscored, for example:

"I wish to appeal the following elements:
Liaison & Networking and Initiative & Problem-solving"

Then give some examples below each heading to make a case for a higher score. You may find it helpful to use the prompts within the section below when outlining what is required in your post.

You may wish to make some notes of examples of what you do and how you do it. Appellants should expect to be asked questions about their role by members of the appeal panel at the hearing. You may wish to discuss your preparation with your line manager, other work colleagues or trade union representative in advance of the appeal hearing. This will help ensure that you are able to give the best possible reflection of your role during the hearing.

Full HERA guidance for role holders

More information is available on Google Drive for Oxford Brookes staff only. See: