Change hours flowchart

  1. Member of staff completes the change in hours/pattern of work request form gives it to Dean/Director and sends copies to their line manager and link HR manager.
    1. Dean/Director signs form as acknowledgment of receipt and sends to their link HR Manager.
      1. HR Manager sends through the notes for guidance and the response portion of the request form to Dean/Director or their delegated representative.
        1. Dean/Director or delegated manager organises a change in hours/pattern of work meeting which must be held within 28 days of the Dean/Director receiving the ‘change in hours/pattern’ request form (the meeting must be chaired by the Dean/Director or delegated manager).
          1. Dean/Director or delegated manager completes the response form and sends it to HR within 7 days of the meeting.
            1. Within 14 days of the change in hours/pattern of work meeting the link HR Manager will send a letter to the member of staff detailing the outcome of the request.