Justin Cule

My name is Justin. I am the Clinical Skills and Simulation Manager within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences. I have worked for Oxford Brookes University since I left school and I have seen a lot of changes. I was here when the University was originally a polytechnic.

I have always felt Oxford Brookes welcomed and accepted my sexuality from the start. It is important to me to be myself whilst at work and I have always felt more than comfortable working here. I also feel it is important to encourage and welcome others to feel relaxed and open within their workplace.

During the 25 years I have worked at the University, I have only experienced discrimination once because of my sexuality. I am pleased to say that the University has no tolerance for any kind of discrimination and my situation was dealt with in a timely manner. The process to report the situation was very easy and I received continued support from my manager, which was very important to me.

Joining the University at such a young age was great for me. I was immediately accepted and found a whole new network of support and lifelong friends. My message to new students or staff would be to make yourself known and try to join in as much as you can. There are regular events throughout the year that you can participate in. These events might become an opportunity for you to express yourself and expand as an individual. My career has changed a lot over the years I have worked here. I have moved from working as a trainee chef in catering services to working within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences. In my opinion my sexuality has never been an issue within the University and my progression within the institution. I have always been encouraged and supported in all my endeavours here.

The University isn’t just a job for me, it’s been a huge part of my life and I continue to enjoy every day here.

“The University isn’t just a job for me, it’s been a huge part of my life and I continue to enjoy every day here.”


Justin Cule, Clinical Skills and Simulation Manager

Justin Cule on X

Justin Cule