Disability History Month

14 November to 20 December 2024

Oxford Brookes University is proud to be part of the annual celebration of Disability History Month, providing an opportunity to promote, celebrate and raise awareness of the contributions of disabled people in our communities and society and highlight support for students and staff.

Disability History Month 2024

Running from 14 November to 16 December, the Staff Disability Network will be marking Disability History Month with a range of activities and sessions. Nationally, this year’s UK Disability History Month theme is Disability, Livelihood and Employment.

Staff and students can also visit our Neurodiversity and disability resources as well as the Wellbeing at University reading lists created by the Library.

Lloyd Building lit up for Disability History Month

Programme of events

Selina Mills: Why Blindness Matters

Selina Mills: Why Blindness Matters

Wednesday 4 December, 6.00 - 7.00pm, CLC 1.12 (Learning Studio)

Author, historian, and disability activist Selina Mills will talk about what we think of blindness and how to define it, exploring the origins of our binary definitions.

Selina will look at how we can use the past to help us now. How academics, medicine and charities have looked at blindness, and how we can change very fixed notions of disability, particularly with notions of what blind people / disabled people can do and not do, whether in employment, parenting or in politics and public service. How can we all include everyone in what it means to be human?

Selina Mills is an award-winning writer and broadcaster who is legally blind.

This event is open to all and includes light refreshments afterwards.

Lloyd Building lit up for #PurpleLightUp Disability History Month


Monday 2 December, Friday 6 December 2024 

To kick start the celebration of Disability History Month, between Monday 2 December and Friday 6 December, we will be taking part in #PurpleLightUp led by Purple Space and lighting up Lloyd Building and Headington Sports Centre in purple.

Everyone is also welcome to join an informal lunchtime gathering organised by the Staff Disability Network 12:00 - 1:00 pm on Tuesday 3 December, The Forum, JHB which marks International Day of People with Disabilities.  You are encouraged to show your support by wearing something purple. 

DCD / Dyspraxia Lunch and Learn

Tuesday 12 November, 12.00 - 1.00 pm 

An online session facilitated by Kate Wilmut. 

Kate will talk about Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), also sometimes known as Dyspraxia. Despite a similar prevalence to other neurodivergences such as ADHD, DCD / Dyspraxia is less well known and often misunderstood. She will start by outlining the differences between the terms DCD and Dyspraxia, and broadly talk about current developments / research in this area. This will include a focus on a study she has recently completed which considered diagnosis and wellbeing in adults. The discussion will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions. 

John Henry Brookes Building

Academics with Learning Differences: Challenges and Support Requirements in Teaching, Research, Leadership and Administration

Tuesday 26 November, 12.00 - 1.00pm, Online

In this session, Adrian J. Wallbank and Andrew Page-Towers report on the results of their recent research into the support needs of academics with dyslexia, ADHD and autism within English-speaking Higher Education institutions. 

Past events