Basic safety rules for the use of chemicals (OBUHSN-19) Appendix 4

  1. Be aware of possible hazards and the necessary precautions to be employed;
  2. Store chemicals and all hazardous materials in such a way as to prevent accidental reactions between them;
  3. Be aware of possible dangerous reactions that may occur due to thermal or radiation decomposition or degradation;
  4. Where possible, use materials that are less hazardous;
  5. The quantity of chemicals in a working area should be kept to a minimum consistent with efficient working requirements and the hazards involved;
  6. Work involving toxic or volatile chemicals should always be undertaken in well ventilated facilities (e.g. fume cupboards, fume hoods and canopies, local exhaust systems) or work areas;
  7. Movement of hazardous materials must comply with any local rule containers must be designed and secured to prevent spillage;
  8. Glass bottles and containers must always be carried in approved bottle carriers;
  9. All containers must be clearly, correctly and durably marked or labelled with the name or other identification of the contents and an indication of their hazard;
  10. Spillage of chemicals or chemical materials must be dealt with immediately and appropriate actions taken for the appropriate safe disposal of the waste material and the cleansing of the area;
  11. Staff and Students must know and understand the safety rules and requirements applicable to their work, be familiar with emergency procedures and always be alert to unsafe conditions;
  12. Use such personal protective equipment (PPE) as may be required to ensure personal protection;
  13. The type and use of PPE will be carefully assessed and maintained according to manufacturers' instructions. Where possible, the number of different types will be minimised to prevent mistakes with servicing or replacement;
  14. Hazardous waste must be disposed of in accordance with the manufacturer/suppliers instructions and according to current waste disposal regulations
  15. No food or beverage may be taken into or consumed in any area where chemicals are used, handled or stored; smoking is forbidden in all such areas; cosmetics must not be taken into or used in such areas. Chemicals used for domestic and cleaning purposes in kitchens and catering areas are acceptable, although great care must be taken in their selection and use.
