The University has Health and Safety policies and procedures which ensure all staff, students and visitors enter a safe environment when working, studying or visiting Oxford Brookes University.
These policies and procedures are updated by the Health and Safety team when new legislation and guidance becomes available.
- Children and Young Persons in the University (OBUHSN-15)
- Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR)
- Display Screen Equipment (OBU-HAS-PROC-12.00)
- Driving Safely (OBUHSN-41)
- Electrical Safety (OBUHSN-18)
- Fieldwork and Outdoor Education (OBUHSN-24)
- Fire and Evacuation Procedures (OBUHSN-09)
- First Aid Facilities and Arrangements (OBUHSN-10)
- Health and Safety Information for Students (OBUHSN-12)
- Health and Safety in Halls of Residence (OBUHSN-16)
- Health and Safety in Offices (OBUHSN-30)
- Health and Safety Policy (OBUHSN-01)
- Health and Safety Responsibilities of individual Post Holders in Oxford Brookes University (OBUHSN-03)
- Legionella (OB-HAS-PROC-05.00)
- Manual Handling (OBUHSN-34)
- Minibus Drivers (OBUHSN-27)
- Noise (OBUHSN-20)
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) (OBUHSN-08)
- Personal Protective Equipment (OBUHSN-21)
- Portable Electrical Equipment Testing (OBUHSN 33)
- Respiratory Policy (OBUHSN-39)
- Responsibilities of Staff or Others Appointed to Specific Health and Safety Roles (OBUHSN-04)
- Risk Assessment (OBU HAS-PROC-07.00)
- Safety Management Arrangements (OBUHSN-02)
- Safety Representatives (OBUHSN-07)
- Safe Working by Contractors at Oxford Brookes University (OBUHSN-14)
- Skin Management (OBUHSN-23)
- The Health and Safety of Visitors to the University (OBUHSN-13)
- Travelling and Working Overseas (OBUHSN 38)
- Working Alone Safely (OBUHSN-31)
- Working at Heights (OBUHSN-42)
- Work Placements (OBUHSN-43)