“In the 2021/22 academic year we recycled 51% of our waste and landfilled <0.5%”
Initiatives and deliverables
We partner with the British Heart Foundation and the Oxford Food Bank. In 2024, Brookes students and staff donated 3,156 bags of preloved stuff to ‘Pack for Good Campaign’, which raised £47,340 to help British Heart Foundation fund lifesaving research.
Abandoned bikes on campus are managed and upcycled, for further information please contact transport@brookes.ac.uk
Paperless assignment submissions are now standard across the University.
Double sided printing is the default setting for all our printers & old academic books are donated to Better World Books.
Recoverable pallets are collected by a local social enterprise RAW and upcycled to make furniture.
Internal office equipment and furniture is re-used wherever possible. Students and staff are welcome to join the Environment Forum for sharing or requiring an item by contacting sustainability@brookes.ac.uk.
Final destination for University streams in 2021-22
Dry Mixed Recycling is sent to a Material Recycling Facility, for segregation and recycling.
General waste is transported to the nearby Ardley Energy Recovery Facility, recovering energy from waste to help power local homes.
All food waste is sent to an anaerobic digester which produces energy, and fertiliser for local farmers.
Only 0.04% of waste is disposed of via landfill.
>90% of our construction waste is recycled.
More information
For details on what to recycle and where at Oxford Brookes see our A to Z of Waste.
To join our internal Environmental Forum to reuse furniture and office equipment, please email sustainability@brookes.ac.uk.