Dr Anne Delextrat
Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science
School of Sport, Nutrition and Allied Health Professions

As a Senior Lecturer and Subject Coordinator for the BSc in Sport, Physical Activity and Health Promotion. I teach several modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level and I am also subject coordinator. I am also a postgraduate Research tutor for the School of Sport, Nutrition and Allied Health Professions.
Areas of expertise
- Injury prevention
- Exercise physiology and biomechanics
- Anatomy
- Research methods
Teaching and supervision
- Applied Human Nutrition (MSc, PGDip, PGCert)
- Applied Sport and Exercise Nutrition (MSc, PGDip, PGCert)
- Sport and Exercise Science (BSc (Hons))
Modules taught
I am the Module Leader of multiple modules including:
- Anatomy for Sport and Exercise
- Research Methods
- Sports Injuries
- BSc in Sport, Physical Activity and Health Promotion
- MSc in Dietetics.
I also contribute in several undergraduate and postgraduate modules.
I am supervising several BSc and MSc students every year on projects linked to the benefits of sports supplements on physical performance, effects of training programmes on lower limb injury risk factors, benefits of Zumba on physical fitness, and benefits of physical exercise in menopausal women.
I am also currently supervising several PhD students, including:
- Clare Shaw: Investigation into indicators of low energy availability risk utilising subjective and objective measures to establish effectiveness in detection and education need in athletes and exercising individuals.
- Niall Ashworth: Neural and neuromuscular movement control in Anterior Cruciate Ligament deficient individuals.
- Flick Lucas: Genetic Predisposition and Clinical Risk Factors on Bone and Musculoskeletal injuries in Female Competitive Contact Sports
- Joe Prosser: Trickle Down Holism: A critical realist, grounded theory enquiry into a Female Football Talent Development Environment.
- Bonnie Corrie-Lunn: Antisemitism in British Football: Examining Good Practice in Anti-Discrimination Educational Initiatives.
My research focuses on three different aspects: I am interested in training interventions in the prevention of hamstrings and anterior cruciate ligament injuries. My other research interests revolved around exercise in clinical populations, in particular the potential benefits of Zumba Gold in people with Parkinson's, and physical training in children with motor impairment. Finally, my third research focus is on benefits of physical exercise in menopausal women, in particular in the workplace.
Centres and institutes
- Oxford Institute of Applied Health Research
- Centre for Movement, Occupational and Rehabilitation Sciences (MOReS)
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- BASES accredited sport scientist, in the area of exercise physiology.
Invited speaker:
- Propuesta de small-sided games para deportes indoor: Baloncesto. III Jornadas de Actualización en Rendimiento Deportivo,Vitoria, 23rd of September 2016.
- Avaliações Físicas no Basquetebol: considerações sobre as posições no jogo. Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB), Brasil, 25 de Agosto 2015.
- Análisis científico de la evolución del juego. V Jornadas de actualización en las áreas de medicina, preparación física y deporte, San Sebastian, Spain, 21-23 June 2012.
- Carga externa en baloncesto: Su análisis e interpretatión. V Jornadas de actualización en las áreas de medicina, preparación física y deporte,” San Sebastian, Spain, 25 June 2011.
- Coordination and skill acquisition in team sports: applications to coaching. 11. MeƋunarodna konferencija “Kondicijska Priprema Sportaša”. Zagreb, 19th of February 2010.
- Effects of previous swimming exercise on cycling energy cost in high-level triathletes. Applied Sports Science International Symposium, Anglia Ruskin university, Cambridge, UK, 20th of June 2006.
Recent oral communications:
- Delextrat A., Bateman, J., Esser, P., Targen, N., and Dawes, H. The potential benefits of Zumba Gold in people with Parkinson’s: a feasibility study. Winter Congress of the Society for Research in Rehabilitation, 2nd of February 2016, London, UK.
- Delextrat, A. and Cohen, D.D. Strength-endurance training reduces hamstrings peak torque drop in simulated football. International Conference of Sport Rehabilitation and Traumatology, Football Medicine Strategies for Player Care, London, 11th – 12th April 2015.
- Delextrat, A., Baliqi, F., Clarke, N.D. Repeated Sprint Ability And Stride Kinematics Are Altered Following An Official Match In National-level Basketball Players.18th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science – ECSS, Barcelona 2013.
- Delextrat, Ferguson and Jemni: Effects of football-specific fatigue on risk factors for hamstring and ACL injuries in female players.II International Congress of Reconditioning and Prevention of Football Injuries on the 19th of April 2024.
- Delextrat, Piquet, Ferguson, and Jemni: Effects of fatigue on risk factors for ACL injuries in female footballers.“Next generation leaders”, Isokinetic conference in London, 27th-29th of May 2023
Further details
Other experience
- 2004- 2012 Senior Lecturer in Sports Science, London Metropolitan University, UK.
- Exercise physiologist at the Fitness Assessment Centre, London Metropolitan University, UK.
- 2003-2004 Post-doctoral position, Greenwich University, UK: “Biomechanical analysis of the shooting action in netball”
- 2000-2003 Part-time lecturer in Sports Science, University of the South, Toulon-Var, France.