Dr Graham Wood
BA (Cantab) PHD
Reader in Environmental Assessment and Management
School of the Built Environment
I am a Reader in Environmental Assessment and Management with particular interests in the field of information analysis, evaluation, and communication for decision-making, including the use of technical tools such as GIS and spatial analysis. I am also the Subject Coordinator for the MSc Environmental Impact Assessment and Management at Oxford Brookes.
Area of expertise
- Environmental assessment and management
- GIS and information technology in environmental planning and management
- Environmental decision-making
- Research methods
Teaching and supervision
- Environmental Impact Assessment and Management (MSc)
- Geography (BA (Hons), BSc (Hons))
- Spatial Planning (MSc)
- Urban Design, Planning and Development (BA (Hons))
Modules taught
- GIS and Environmental Modelling
- Geographical Information Systems
- Environmental Decision Making
- The Digital Transformation: Towards Intelligent Impact Assessment
- Collaborative Working and Knowledge Co-Creation
- GIS and Spatial Analysis
I have supervised over 70 MSc dissertations in Environmental Management and Technology, Environmental Assessment and Management, and the Environmental Assessment specialisation in Spatial Planning.
Recent PhD activity included:
- Gamper, D. (ongoing) Visitor Mobility in UNESCO World Heritage city centres.
- Farghaly, K. - BIM and BIG data based prototype system (ABC-IM) for existing cluster of buildings’ asset management.
- Lawal , L. - Planning for Sustainable Human Security in the Northeast Region of Nigeria: Case of Buni Yadi.
Research interest include:
- Impact assessment and environmental decision-making;
- GIS and spatial analysis in environmental assessment and management problems;
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures and quality;
- Auditing and evaluating environmental assessment methods.
Research group membership
- Impact Assessment Unit
Research grants and awards
I have over 20 years of related research and consultancy experience for a range of bodies including the Economic and Social Research Council, the Natural Environment Research Council, DEFRA, European Commission, European Investment Bank, Vodafone, and Associated British Ports.
- 2013-2015 Phase 1 Habitat Survey GIS Toolkit Development (with T. Shreeve, J. Watkins, M. Jackson and R. Jones) Funded by: HEIF-5
- 2011 Review of the Environmental Statement for Development at Graven Hill, Bicester (PI). Funded by: Cherwell District Council.
- 2010 Review of the Environmental Statement Accompanying the Hardham Tidal Abstraction Scheme Application (PI). Funded by: Atkins
- 2008-2009 The Effects of the Planning Process on the Noise Environment with Regard to Human Health, Flora, Fauna and the Built Environment. (Co-Investigator). Funded by: DEFRA.
- 2008 Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre: Expert Review of the Environmental Impact Statement and Supporting Information (PI). Funded by: SITA Cornwall Ltd.
- 2006-2008 Measuring Social Sustainability: Best Practice from Urban Renewal in the EU (with T. Dixon, J.Glasson, and A. Colantonio). Funded by: European Investment Bank EIBURS Programme
- 2004-2005 The Operation of the EIA Directive in Respect of the Wadden Sea Region (with J. Weston, and J. Piper). Funded by: Wadden Sea Forum.
- 2002-2004 Evaluating Significant Environmental Effects: Fuzzy Sets and Decision Making in EIA (Principal Investigator, with J. Glasson, A. Rodriguez-Bachiller and J. Weston). Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- 2002-2003 Five Years Report to the European Parliament and the Council on the Application and Effectiveness of the EIA Directive (with J. Weston, J. Glasson, E. Wilson, J. Piper). Funded by: European Commission.
- 2002 Shell Haven Container Port (Thames Gateway) Environmental Impact Statement Review (with J. Weston and J. Piper). Funded by: Associated British Ports Ltd.
- 2001-2004 Determining Significant Effects within Environmental Risk Management: A Case Study of the Ministry of Defence. Funded by: ESRC CASE Award with Defence Estates, Ministry of Defence.
- 2001 Dibden Bay Container Port Environmental Impact Statement Review. Funded by: Associated British Ports Ltd.
- 2001-2002 Ecological Footprinting Green Travel Plan Options: A GIS Approach (PI). Funded by: Oxford Brookes University with support from Vodafone.
- 2000 Sustainability Appraisal of Cotswold District Local Plan (Co-PI with CAG Consultants). Funded by: Cotswold District Council.
- 1999-2002 Environmental Assessment Scoping for the Oxfordshire Guided Transit Express (GTE) Scheme. (PI). Funded by: GTE for Oxfordshire Ltd.
- 1999-2000 Environmental Impact Statement Benchmark Assessment. (PI). Funded by: Environmental Resources Management on behalf of Transco Ltd.
- 1999 Jubilee Line Townscape Study: GIS Analysis (with A. Reeve and B. Goodey). Funded by: London Transport.
- 1997-1999 Update of EIA Procedures and Support Material For EU Development and Economic Co-operation With Developing Countries, Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (with J Glasson, J Weston, E Wilson, and GIBB Environmental). Funded by: European Commission, Directorates General 1A, 1B and VIII.
Projects as Principal Investigator, or Lead Academic if project is led by another Institution
- Inequality in access to higher learning: the EPQ as a tool for levelling up (led by HSS) (01/09/2023 - 31/08/2025), funded by: Nuffield Foundation, funding amount received by Brookes: £8,489
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
Graham is a member of the ESRC Peer Review College and has been an end of award expert rapporteur since 2002. He has also been an expert assessor for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the National Science Foundation, USA.