Dr Rachel Wang
PhD, MSc, MA, BA(Hons)
Senior Lecturer in Business/Data Analytics
Oxford Brookes Business School
Rachel is Senior Lecturer at Oxford Brookes Business School. Her research focuses on data analytics in Business and financial management, and the application of big data in business studies, with a special interests in the context of hospitality, tourism and events sectors.
She leads and teaches on a number of Undergraduate and Postgraduate modules. She also supervises PhD and Doctoral of Coaching and Mentoring (DCM) students, and postgraduate students dissertation, on a good range of topics.
Rachel is also the Subject Experts of the Business & Management Programme with our International Partner ChengDu University of Technology (CDUT), China.
Teaching and supervision
- Global Events Management (MSc)
- International Hotel and Tourism Management (MSc)
- International Hospitality, Events and Tourism Management (MSc)
Modules taught
- Business Analytics for Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Responsible Financial Management for Hospitality and Tourism
- Help to Grow: Finance and Financial Management
Aside from teaching on analytics and financial management, Rachel also supported modules and programmes in marketing, human resources management, operations, contemporary issues and revenue management in the past.
Rachel supervises PhD and Doctoral of Coaching and Mentoring (DCM) students, and postgraduate students dissertation.
Rachel's research interests are primarily in data analytics and the application of big data in business studies.
The more focused research topics are:
- The application of data analytics and big data in a wide range of business functions, such as marketing, human resources, finances and customer satisfaction
- Date generation, data usage and governance of data in SMEs in the emerging data economy
- The impact of digitalisation on tourism identity
- Financial implication on hospitality and tourism policy development
Some other research interests also include:
- Graduate development and graduate employability, especially in terms of graduates’ career development in finance-related jobs in hospitality industry and pedagogical research on how to stimulate and embed creativity in teaching and learning finance modules in the HE
- The perception of luxury travel and tourism by the young generation, including the Millennials and Generation Z.
Research impact
Rachel is collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders in the industry from China, Malaysia, Thailand, the US and the UK. One of the primary impact goal of her research is to assist the digitalisation of information provision and operation for hospitality and tourism organisations, especially the SEMs.
Rachel works closely with the leading data provider for hospitality and real estate sectors on how to visualise their real-time data for hospitality and tourism businesses to understand the key performance and emerging trends.
She also works closely with local SMEs in the hospitality sectors in Oxford and supports them in their understanding and adoption of data, analytics and metrics for their business decision-making, which are results of her research.
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
Rachel is a member of Editorial Board for the Journal of Tourism and Hospitality and member of the Scientific committee of ICHIRE, EuroCHIRE, Global Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, Events and Leisure Management.
- EuroCHIRE Conference
- ApecCHIRE Conference
- RevME
- Hotel Data Conference
- Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference
Before joining academia in 2016, Rachel worked as a senior data analyst at the corporate office of one of the largest hotel companies, in developing the business intelligence system for investors, especially for risk management aspect.
Further details
Rachel is an Academic Ambassador for Tableau, which is leading interactive data visualization software focused on business intelligence.
She is also a certified Tableau Desktop Specialist.