Dr Sandra Einig
PhD, MSc, BSc
Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance
Oxford Brookes Business School

Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
- Business Aspects of Management Accounting (UG)
- Corporate Finance (UG)
- Research Project (PG)
- Corporate Governance (PG)
- Professional and Digital Skills (PG)
Sandra is teaching across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules with a particular focus on management accounting and corporate governance. She is also the subject co-ordinator for the postgraduate Accounting and Finance programmes.
Sandra currently supervises 3 PhD students across a range of topics in the area of corporate governance. She would welcome potential applications on topics in the area of corporate governance, in particular proposals based on qualitative or mixed methods.
Research Students
Name | Thesis title | Completed |
Samira Issa | Stakeholder Engagement and the UK Corporate Governance Code | Active |
Sandra's main research interest is to investigate how accountability is achieved in the investment intermediary chain. Past and current research projects include credit ratings agencies, state-controlled banks and fund managers. Sandra has published widely in journals like British Accounting Review, Journal of Business Ethics and a range of professional journals.
Sandra was the visiting research fellow for the ifs School of Finance/Henry Grunfeld Foundation from 2010 to 2011.
Research grants and awards
- €3,500 Study on the State of the Credit Rating Market, FISMA (EU), with Europe Economics
- £3,000 Credit Ratings Agencies, Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland/University of the West of Scotland, with A. Duff, and T. Ndlovu.
- £22,500 Risks and Challenges of the Recent UK Bank Nationalisations, Institute of Financial Services/Henry Grunfeld Foundation.
- £16,000 Effectiveness of Interventions in the Investment Chain, HM Treasury, with LF Spira and M Wang.
Further information
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- The Higher Education Academy (HEA)
- Einig, S. (2017) From Steward to Trader: the Changing Role of the Institutional Investor, paper presented at EIASM Corporate Governance Workshop, Brussels, 6 - 7 November.
- Allemande, I. and Einig, S. (2012) 'Risks and challenges of state ownership of banks: a study of the English and the French case following the financial crisis'. Paper presented at the Conference Internationale de Gouvernance, Lyon, May.
- Einig, S. (2011) 'Government interventions in banks: A study of stakeholder perceptions in France and the United Kingdom'. Paper presented at the Oxford Brookes Business School - Burgundy Business School Joint Research Conference, Dijon, May.
- Einig, S. (2011) 'Supporting student learning: the use of formative online assessments'. Paper presented at the EAA Annual Congress, Rome, April.
- Einig, S. (2011) 'Government ownership of banks: stakeholder perceptions in the UK market'. Paper presented at the ICBFP Conference, Cyprus, April.
- Einig, S. (2010) 'The Effectiveness of Online Multiple Choice Questions in Supporting Student Learning'. Paper presented at the European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Istanbul, May.
- Einig, S. (2009) 'The Effectiveness of Online Multiple Choice Questions in Supporting Student Learning'. Paper presented at the SRHE Conference, Newport, UK, December.
- Einig, S. and Duff, A. (2009) 'Antecedents and Consequences of Commitment in Debt Issuer: Credit Rating Agency Relations'. Paper presented at the BAA SEAG, Kingston, September.
- Einig, S. and Duff, A. (2008) 'What market participants want from credit rating agencies: An examination of ratings quality'. Paper presented at the BAA South East Area Group Annual Conference, Oxford Brookes University Business School, September.
- Duff, A. and Einig, S. (2007) 'Ratings quality: Credit ratings agencies examined through the lens of audit quality and an analysis of UK debit issuers' views'. Paper presented at the European Accounting Association, Lisbon, April.
- Duff, A. and Einig, S. (2007) 'A model of ratings quality provided by credit rating agencies: An empirical analysis of UK debt market participants'. Paper presented at the British Accounting Association, London, April.