Professor Sue Vaughan
Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology
School of Biological and Medical Sciences

Sue Vaughan is the Director of Oxford Brookes Centre for Bioimaging
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
Sue is module leader for Haematology & Immunology and also gives parasitology lectures in Infection & Immunity and Microbiology modules.
Research in the Vaughan Lab focuses on the cell biology of Trypanosomes with a focus on the flagellum, which is an important organelle for the pathogenicity in this parasite. This includes motility, immune evasion through motility and attachment to surfaces. Cilia and flagella are found in a wide variety of eukaryotic cells and defective function of these organelles are linked to a number of Human genetic diseases collectively called ciliopathies.
We use a variety of cutting edge 3D microscopy techniques including serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM), array tomography, cellular electron tomography, confocal airyscan and are involved in applications development. Sue is also Director of Oxford Brookes Centre for Bioimaging and collaborates with a wide variety of parasitolgists.
Research grants and awards
- Academy of Medical Sciences networking grant (2019-2020). TsetseNET: Developing scientific capacity through an interdisciplinary international network for tsetse fly research (~£25K).
- The Wellcome Trust Collaborative Grant (2016-2021): TrypTag – a genome-wide localisation study (University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes, University of Cambridge, University of Liverpool) (~750K).
- MRC Research Grant (2015-2019) Structure/Function relationships in protozoan parasites utilising high resolution 3D bioimaging ~£320K (MR/N017323/1).
- BBSRC responsive mode grant award (2014-2019). Using SBEM and cellular electron tomography to study the basal body/pro-basal body linker ~£600K. (BB/M000532/1).
- BBSRC Alert 13 grant award (2013). The Oxford consortium for three dimensional electron microscopy ~£698K. (BB/L014122/1).
- BBSRC New Investigator award (2011-14). Three dimensional cellular electron microscopy of eukaryotic basal bodies ~£450K (BB/I000402/1).
Centres and institutes
Projects as Principal Investigator, or Lead Academic if project is led by another Institution
- Divide and Thrive: Unravelling the unconventional dynamics and regulation of rapidcell division during Plasmodium male gamete formation (led by the University of Nottingham) (01/10/2024 - 31/03/2025), funded by: University of Nottingham
Projects as Co-investigator
- Effect of recombinant protein expression on baculovirus budded virus structure and infectivity(01/04/2023 - 31/03/2024), funded by: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), funding amount received by Brookes: £9,326, funded by: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Journal articles
Hair M, Yanase R, Moreira-Leite F, Wheeler RJ, Sádlová J, Volf P, Vaughan S, Sunter JD, Whole cell reconstructions of Leishmania mexicana through the cell cycle
PLoS Pathogens 20 (2) (2024) ISSN: 1553-7366 eISSN: 1553-7374 Whole cell reconstructions of Leishmania mexicana through the cell cycle Open Access version on RADAR -
Halliday C, de Liz LV, Vaughan S, Sunter JD, Disruption of Leishmania flagellum attachment zone architecture causes flagellum loss
Molecular Microbiology 121 (1) (2023) pp.53-68 ISSN: 0950-382X eISSN: 1365-2958 Disruption of Leishmania flagellum attachment zone architecture causes flagellum loss Open Access version on RADAR -
Billington K, Halliday C, Madden R, Dyer P, Barker AR, Moreira-Leite FF, Carrington M, Vaughan S, Hertz-Fowler C, Dean S, Sunter JD, Wheeler RJ, Gull K, Genome-wide subcellular protein localisation in the flagellate parasite Trypanosoma brucei
Nature Microbiology 8 (2023) pp.533-547 ISSN: 2058-5276 eISSN: 2058-5276 Genome-wide subcellular protein localisation in the flagellate parasite Trypanosoma brucei Open Access version on RADAR -
Smithson L, Akazue PI, Findlater L, Manful-Gwira T, Vaughan S, Sunter JD, Diversity in new flagellum tip attachment in bloodstream form African trypanosomes
Molecular Microbiology 118 (5) (2022) pp.510-525 ISSN: 0950-382X eISSN: 1365-2958 Diversity in new flagellum tip attachment in bloodstream form African trypanosomes Open Access version on RADAR -
Zeeshan M, Rashpa R, Ferguson DJP, Abel S, Chahine Z, Brady D, Vaughan S, Moores CA, Le Roch KG, Brochet M, Holder AA, Tewari R, Genome-wide functional analysis reveals key roles for kinesins in the mammalian and mosquito stages of the malaria parasite life cycle
PLoS Biology 20 (7) (2022) ISSN: 1544-9173 eISSN: 1545-7885 Genome-wide functional analysis reveals key roles for kinesins in the mammalian and mosquito stages of the malaria parasite life cycle Open Access version on RADAR -
Burrell A, Marugan-Hernandez V, Wheeler R, Moreira-Leite F, Ferguson DJP, Tomley FM, Vaughan S, Cellular electron tomography of the apical complex in the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella shows a highly organised gateway for regulated secretion
PLoS Pathogens 18 (7) (2022) ISSN: 1553-7366 eISSN: 1553-7374 Cellular electron tomography of the apical complex in the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella shows a highly organised gateway for regulated secretion Open Access version on RADAR -
Zeeshan M, Brady D, Markus R, Vaughan S, Ferguson D, Holder AA, Tewari R, <i>Plasmodium</i> SAS4: basal body component of male cell which is dispensable for parasite transmission
Life Science Alliance 5 (9) (2022) ISSN: 2575-1077 eISSN: 2575-1077 <i>Plasmodium</i> SAS4: basal body component of male cell which is dispensable for parasite transmission Open Access version on RADAR -
Zeeshan M, Pandey R, Subudhi AK, Ferguson DJP, Kaur G, Rashpa R, Nugmanova R, Brady D, Bottrill AR, Vaughan S, Brochet M, Bollen M, Pain A, Holder AA, Guttery DS, Tewari R, Protein phosphatase 1 regulates atypical mitotic and meiotic division in Plasmodium sexual stages
Communications Biology 4 (1) (2021) ISSN: 2399-3642 eISSN: 2399-3642 Protein phosphatase 1 regulates atypical mitotic and meiotic division in Plasmodium sexual stages Open Access version on RADAR -
Halliday C, de Castro-Neto A, Alcantara CL, Cunha-E-Silva NL, Vaughan S, Sunter JD, Trypanosomatid Flagellar Pocket from Structure to Function
Trends in Parasitology 37 (4) (2021) pp.317-329 ISSN: 1471-4922 eISSN: 1471-5007 -
Atkins M, Týč J, Shafiq S, Ahmed M, Bertiaux E, De Castro Neto AL, Sunter J, Bastin P, Dean SD, Vaughan S, CEP164C regulates flagellum length in stable flagella
Journal of Cell Biology 220 (1) (2020) ISSN: 0021-9525 eISSN: 1540-8140 CEP164C regulates flagellum length in stable flagella Open Access version on RADAR -
Balestra AC, Zeeshan M, Rea E, Pasquarello C, Brusini L, Mourier T, Subudhi AK, Klages N, Arboit P, Pandey R, Brady D, Vaughan S, Holder AA, Pain A, Ferguson DJP, Hainard A, Tewari R, Brochet M, A divergent cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase complex controls the atypical replication of a malaria parasite during gametogony and transmission.
eLife 9 (2020) ISSN: 2050-084X eISSN: 2050-084X A divergent cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase complex controls the atypical replication of a malaria parasite during gametogony and transmission. Open Access version on RADAR -
Zoltner M, Campagnaro GD, Taleva G, Burrell A, Cerone M, Leung K, Achcar F, Horn D, Vaughan S, Gadelha C, Zíková A, Barrett MP, de Koning HP, Field MC, Suramin exposure alters cellular metabolism and mitochondrial energy production in African trypanosomes.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 (24) (2020) pp.8331-8347 ISSN: 0021-9258 eISSN: 1083-351X Suramin exposure alters cellular metabolism and mitochondrial energy production in African trypanosomes. Open Access version on RADAR -
Alves AA, Gabriel HB, Bezerra MJR, de Souza W, Vaughan S, Cunha-e-Silva NL, Sunter JD, Control of assembly of extra-axonemal structures: the paraflagellar rod of trypanosomes
Journal of Cell Science 133 (10) (2020) ISSN: 0021-9533 eISSN: 1477-9137 Control of assembly of extra-axonemal structures: the paraflagellar rod of trypanosomes Open Access version on RADAR -
Zeeshan M, Ferguson DJP, Abel S, Burrrell A, Rea E, Brady D, Daniel E, Delves M, Vaughan S, Holder AA, Le Roch KG, Moores CA, Tewari R, Kinesin-8B controls basal body function and flagellum formation and is key to malaria transmission.
Life Science Alliance 2 (4) (2019) ISSN: 2575-1077 eISSN: 2575-1077 Kinesin-8B controls basal body function and flagellum formation and is key to malaria transmission. Open Access version on RADAR -
Abeywickrema M, Vachova H, Farr H, Mohr T, Wheeler RJ, Lai D, Vaughan S, Gull K, Sunter JD, Varga V, Non-equivalence in old- and new-flagellum daughter cells of a proliferative division in Trypanosoma brucei
Molecular Microbiology 112 (3) (2019) pp.1024-1040 ISSN: 0950-382X eISSN: 1365-2958 Non-equivalence in old- and new-flagellum daughter cells of a proliferative division in Trypanosoma brucei Open Access version on RADAR -
Ebenezer TE, Zoltner M, Burrell A, Nenarokova A, Novák Vanclová AMG, Prasad B, Soukal P, Santana-Molina C, O'Neill E, Nankissoor NN, Vadakedath N, Daiker V, Obado S, Silva-Pereira S, Jackson AP, Devos DP, Lukeš J, Lebert M, Vaughan S, Hampl V, Carrington M, Ginger ML, Dacks JB, Kelly S, Field MC, Transcriptome, proteome and draft genome of Euglena gracilis.
BMC Biology 17 (1) (2019) ISSN: 1741-7007 eISSN: 1741-7007 Transcriptome, proteome and draft genome of Euglena gracilis. Open Access version on RADAR -
Bertiaux E, Mallet A, Fort C, Blisnick T, Bonnefoy S, Jung J, Lemos M, Marco S, Vaughan S, Trépout S, Tinevez JY, Bastin P., Bidirectional intraflagellar transport is restricted to two sets of microtubule doublets in the trypanosome flagellum.
Journal of Cell Biology 217 (12) (2018) ISSN: 0021-9525 eISSN: 1540-8140 Bidirectional intraflagellar transport is restricted to two sets of microtubule doublets in the trypanosome flagellum. Open Access version on RADAR -
Harmer J, Towers K, Addison M, Vaughan S, Ginger ML, McKean PG, A centriolar FGR1 oncogene partner-like protein required for paraflagellar rod assembly, but not axoneme assembly in African trypanosomes
Open Biology 8 (2018) ISSN: 2046-2441 A centriolar FGR1 oncogene partner-like protein required for paraflagellar rod assembly, but not axoneme assembly in African trypanosomes Open Access version on RADAR -
Ooi C-P, Smith TK, Gluenz E, Wand NV, Vaughan S, Rudenko G, Blocking Variant Surface Glycoprotein synthesis alters ERES/ Golgi homeostasis in Trypanosoma brucei
Traffic: The moving front of cell biology 19 (6) (2018) pp.391-405 ISSN: 1398-9219 eISSN: 1600-0854 Blocking Variant Surface Glycoprotein synthesis alters ERES/ Golgi homeostasis in Trypanosoma brucei Open Access version on RADAR -
Hoffmann A, Käser S, Jakob M, Amodeo S, Peitsch C, Týč J, Vaughan S, Zuber B, Schneider A, Ochsenreiter T, Molecular model of the mitochondrial genome segregation machinery in Trypanosoma brucei
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (8) (2018) pp.E1809-E1818 ISSN: 0027-8424 eISSN: 1091-6490 Molecular model of the mitochondrial genome segregation machinery in Trypanosoma brucei Open Access version on RADAR -
Hughes L, Borret S, Towers K, Starborg T, Vaughan S, Patterns of organelle ontogeny through a cell cycle revealed by whole cell reconstructions using 3D electron microscopy.
Journal of Cell Science 103 (3) (2017) pp.637-647 ISSN: 0021-9533 eISSN: 1477-9137 Patterns of organelle ontogeny through a cell cycle revealed by whole cell reconstructions using 3D electron microscopy. Open Access version on RADAR -
Käser S, Oeljeklaus S, Týč J, Vaughan S, Warscheid B, Schneider A, Outer membrane protein functions as an integrator of protein import and DNA inheritance in mitochondria
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (31) (2016) pp.E4467-E4475 ISSN: 0027-8424 eISSN: 1091-6490 -
McAllaster MR, Ikeda KN, Lozano-Nunez A, Anrather D, Unterwurzacher V, Gossenreiter T, Perry JA, Crickley R, Mercadante CJ, Vaughan S, de Graffenried CL, Proteomic identification of novel cytoskeletal proteins associated with TbPLK, an essential regulator of cell morphogenesis in Trypanosoma brucei
Molecular Biology of the Cell 26 (1) (2015) pp.3013-3029 ISSN: 1939-4586 eISSN: 1939-4586 Proteomic identification of novel cytoskeletal proteins associated with TbPLK, an essential regulator of cell morphogenesis in Trypanosoma brucei Open Access version on RADAR -
Hughes L, Towers K, Starborg T, Gull K, Vaughan S, A cell body groove housing the new flagellum tip suggests an adaptation of cellular morphogenesis for parasitism in bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei
Journal of Cell Science 126 (2013) pp.5748-5757 ISSN: 0021-9533 eISSN: 1477-9137 -
Wheeler RJ, Scheumann N, Wickstead B, Gull K, Vaughan S, Cytokinesis in Trypanosoma brucei differs between bloodstream and tsetse trypomastigote forms: implications for microtubule-based morphogenesis and mutant analysis.
Molecular Microbiology 90 (6) (2013) pp.1339-1355 ISSN: 0950-382X eISSN: 1365-2958 -
Hughes L, Hawes C, Monteith S, Vaughan SE, Serial block face scanning electron microscopy-the future of cell ultrastructure imaging
Protoplasma 251 (2) (2013) pp.395-401 ISSN: 0033-183X eISSN: 1615-6102 -
André J, Harrison S, Towers K, Qi X, Vaughan S, McKean PG, Ginger ML, The tubulin cofactor C family member TBCCD1 orchestrates cytoskeletal filament formation
Journal of Cell Science 126 (23) (2013) pp.5350-5356 ISSN: 0021-9533 eISSN: 1477-9137 -
Davies B S J, Goulbourne C N, Barnes R H, Turlo K A, Gin P, Vaughan S, Vaux D , Bensadoun A, Beigneux A P, Fong L G, Young S G, Assessing Mechanisms of Gpihbp1 and Lipoprotein Lipase Movement Across Endothelial Cells
Journal of Lipid Research 53 (2012) pp.2690-2697 ISSN: 0022-2275 eISSN: 1539-7262 -
Lacomble S, Vaughan S, Deghelt M, Moreira-Leite FF, Gull K, A Trypanosoma brucei protein required for maintenance of the flagellum attachment zone and flagellar pocket ER domains
Protist 163 (4) (2012) pp.602-615 ISSN: 1434-4610 -
Vaughan S, Dawe H, Common themes in centriole and centrosome movements
Trends in Cell Biology 21 (1) (2011) pp.57-66 ISSN: 0962-8924 eISSN: 1879-3088 -
Vaughan S, Assembly of the flagellum and its role in cell morphogenesis in Trypanosoma brucei
Current Opinion in Microbiology 13 (4) (2010) pp.453-458 ISSN: 1369-5274 -
Lacomble S, Vaughan S, Gadelha C, Morphew MK, Shaw MK, McIntosh J, Gull K, Basal body movements orchestrate membrane organelle division and cell morphogenesis in Trypanosoma brucei
Journal of Cell Science 123 (17) (2010) pp.2884-2891 ISSN: 0021-9533 eISSN: 1477-9137 -
Lacomble S, Vaughan S, Gadelha C, Morphew M, Shaw M, Basal body movements orchestrate membrane organelle division and cell morphogenesis in Trypanosoma brucei
Journal of Cell Science 123 (17) (2010) pp.2884-2891 ISSN: 0021-9533 eISSN: 1477-9137 -
Hoog JL, Gluenz E, Vaughan S, Gull K, Ultrastructural Investigation Methods for Trypanosoma brucei
Methods in Cell Biology 96 (2010) pp.175-196 ISSN: 0091-679X -
Olego-Fernandez S, Vaughan S, Shaw M, Gull K, Ginger M, Cell morphogenesis of Trypanosoma brucei requires the paralogous, differentially expressed calpain-related proteins CAP5.5 and CAP5.5V
Protist 160 (4) (2009) pp.576-590 ISSN: 1434-4610 -
Lacomble S, Vaughan S, Gadelha C, Morphew M, Shaw M, McIntosh J, Gull K, Three-dimensional cellular architecture of the flagellar pocket and associated cytoskeleton in trypanosomes revealed by electron microscope tomography
Journal of Cell Science 122 (8) (2009) pp.1081-1090 ISSN: 0021-9533 eISSN: 1477-9137 -
Vaughan S, Kohl L, Ngai I, Wheeler R, Gull K, A repetitive protein essential for the flagellum attachment zone filament structure and function in Trypanosoma brucei
Protist 159 (1) (2008) pp.127-136 ISSN: 1434-4610 -
Vaughan S, Gull K, The structural mechanics of cell division in Trypanosoma brucei
Biochemical Society Transactions 36 (2008) pp.421-424 ISSN: 0300-5127 eISSN: 1470-8752 -
Stephan A, Vaughan S, Shaw M, Gull K, McKean PG, An essential quality control mechanism at the eukaryotic basal body prior to intraflagellar transport
Traffic: The moving front of cell biology 8 (10) (2007) pp.1323-1330 ISSN: 1398-9219 eISSN: 1600-0854 -
Vaughan S, Shaw M, Gull K, A post-assembly structural modification to the lumen of flagellar microtubule doublets
Current Biology 16 (2006) pp.449-450 ISSN: 0960-9822 -
Jackson AP, Vaughan S, Gull K, Comparative genomics and concerted evolution of β-tubulin paralogs in Leishmania spp.
BMC Genomics 6 (7) (2006) pp.137- ISSN: 1471-2164 -
Jackson AP, Vaughan S, Gull K, Evolution of tubulin gene arrays in Trypanosomatid parasites: genomic restructuring in Leishmania
BMC Genomics 18 (7) (2006) pp.261- ISSN: 1471-2164 -
Morgan GW, Denny PW, Vaughan S, Goulding D, Jeffries TR, Smith DF, Gull K, Field MC, An Evolutionarily Conserved Coiled-Coil Protein Implicated in Polycystic Kidney Disease Is Involved in Basal Body Duplication and Flagellar Biogenesis in Trypanosoma brucei.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 25 (9) (2005) pp.3774-3783 ISSN: 0270-7306 eISSN: 1098-5549 -
Sheader K, Vaughan S, Minchin J, Hughes K, Gull K, Rudenko G, Variant surface glycoprotein RNA interference triggers a precytokinesis cell cycle arrest in African trypanosomes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (2005) pp.8716-8721 ISSN: 0027-8424 eISSN: 1091-6490 -
Vaughan S, Wickstead B, Gull K, Addinall SG, Molecular Evolution of FtsZ Protein Sequences Encoded Within the Genomes of Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota
Journal of Molecular Evolution 58 (2004) pp.19-39 ISSN: 0022-2844 -
Briggs LJ, McKean PG, Baines A, Moreira-Leite F, Davidge J, Vaughan S, Gull K, The flagella connector of Trypanosoma brucei: an unusual mobile transmembrane junction
Journal of Cell Science 117 (2004) pp.1641-1651 ISSN: 0021-9533 eISSN: 1477-9137 -
McKean PG, Baines A, Vaughan S, Gull K, g-tubulin functions in the nucleation of a discrete subset of microtubules in the eukaryotic flagellum
Current Biology 13 (2003) pp.596-602 ISSN: 0960-9822 -
Vaughan S, Gull K, The trypanosome flagellum
Journal of Cell Science 116 (2003) pp.757-759 ISSN: 0021-9533 eISSN: 1477-9137 -
McKean PG, Vaughan S, Gull K, The extended tubulin superfamily
Journal of Cell Science 114 (2001) pp.2723-2733 ISSN: 0021-9533 eISSN: 1477-9137 -
Vaughan S, Attwood T, Navarro M, Scott V, McKean P, Gull K, New tubulins in protozoal parasites
Current Biology 10 (2000) pp.258-259 ISSN: 0960-9822
Book chapters
Gluenz E, Wheeler RJ, Hughes L, Vaughan S, Scanning and three-dimensional electron microscopy methods for the study of Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania mexicana flagella
in Basto R, Marshall WF (ed.), Scanning and three-dimensional electron microscopy methods for the study of Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania mexicana flagella, Elsevier (2015) ISSN: 0091-679X ISBN: 978-0-12-802451-5
Burrell A, Tomley FM, Vaughan S, Marugan-Hernandez V, review of Life cycle stages, specific organelles and invasion mechanisms of Eimeria species
Parasitology 147 (3) (2020) pp.263-278 ISSN: 0031-1820 eISSN: 1469-8161