Dr Zaid Alrawadieh
Senior Lecturer in Hospitality and Tourism Operations
Oxford Brookes Business School

Dr Zaid Alrawadieh is a Senior Lecturer in Hospitality and Tourism Operations for Oxford Brookes University. He teaches at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels in the subjects of hospitality operations and research methods. He has widely published in internationally rated top-tier tourism and hospitality journals including Tourism Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, and International Journal of Hospitality Management.
Zaid received his PhD in Tourism Management from Istanbul University, Turkey (2017), Master's degree in Tourism and Environment from University of Pisa, Italy (2011), and BA in Italian Language and Literature from University of Jordan (2005).
Teaching and supervision
- International Hotel and Tourism Management (MSc)
- International Hospitality, Events and Tourism Management (MSc)
Modules taught
- Management of Hospitality Operations
- Optimizing Hospitality Operations
- Research Methods in Tourism, Hospitality, and Event
Grants, funding and awards
- Research Assistant in "The social and economic integration of refugees to the host societies: The role of entrepreneurship" awarded by the British Academy. (NAF2R2\100004, £52,461.00)
- Principal Investigator of "Budget Hotels Perceptions of and Responses to Airbnb Evidence from Istanbul" (BYP-2019-31403: May 2019-May 2020) awarded by Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa.
- Principal Investigator of "Exploring the impact of tourist harassment on destination image tourist expenditure and destination loyalty" (BYP-2019-33759: May 2019-May 2020) awarded by Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa.
- Principal Investigator of "Sexual harassment, psychological well-being, and job satisfaction of female tour guides" (BYP-2020-35290: October 2020-October 2021) awarded by Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa.
- Principal Investigator of "The impact of emotional dissonance on quality of work life and life satisfaction of tour guides" (BYP-2020-34750: May 2020-May 2022) awarded by Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa.
- The Provost Award for Outstanding Scholarly Productivity, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa 2021.
- Best Reviewer Award of the Spanish Journal of Marketing- ESIC 2021.
- Ibn Battuta Award for Travel Books, The Best edited travel book for the year 2016-2017, London/Abu Dhabi.
Professional information
- Alrawadieh, Z. & Alsatari S. (2023), Antecedents and consequences of resilience of refugee entrepreneurs, Migrant Entrepreneurship Conference, 5-6 June 2023 at the Sorbonne, Paris.
- Alrawadieh, Z. and Demirdelen, D. (2019), Turizm, seyahat ve rekreasyon alanında yağmacı dergilere yönelik bir araştırma. 4th International Eurasian Conference Sport, Education and Society, 6-8 December, Denizli, Turkey.
- Demirdelen D., Kahraman O. C. and Alrawadieh Z. (2019), Yiyecek ve içecek sektöründe mülteci girişimciliği, VI International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance & Extended With Social Sciences ICOAEF. 16-17 November, Burhaniye, Turkey.
- Karagöz H. A., Alrawadieh Z. and Demirdelen D., Çetin G. (2019), Local restaurant experience. GLOSTOUR, Global Congress on Smart Tourism, 13-15 November, Çanakkale, Turkey.
- Alrawadieh, Z., Cetin, G., Dincer, M. Z. and Dincer, F. I. (2018). Exploring quality of work life and life satisfaction of tour guides: An emotional labor perspective. 8th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) Conference, 25-29 June, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Dincer, M. Z., Istanbullu Dincer, F., Alrawadieh, Z. and Mammadova, P. (2017). Examining the perceived destination image of Istanbul as represented in the travel blogs of western travellers. The 7th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management. 10–15 July, Famagusta, Cyprus.
- Dinçer M.Z., Istanbullu Dinçer F.F. and Alrawadieh Z. (2016). The World Bank's role in tourism development: The case of Uzbekistan. International Conference on Eurasian Economies, 29-31 August, Kaposvár, Hungary.
- Dinçer M.Z., İstanbullu Dinçer F.F. and Alrawadieh Z. (2015). Host perceptions of tourism development: the case of Petra. The 6th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference, September 8-10, Joensuu Finland.
- Kizilirmak I., Alrawadieh Z., Küçükali S. and Atsiz O. (2015). Anzac tour programs in Çanakkale: A content analysis. The 16th National Conference on Tourism, 12-15 November, Çanakkale, Turkey.
- Alrawadieh Z and Akin, G. (2015). Wows and oops in hotel industry: A content analysis of online travel reviews on five star hotels in Istanbul. 2nd International Congress of Tourism & Management Researches, 1-03 May, Aydın, Turkey.
Further details
Languages spoken
- Turkish,
- Italian,
- Arabic.