Cycle Mobility Group

Group Leader(s): Dr Shpend Gerguri


About us

The Cycle Mobility Group carries out design, manufacture and research work in the area of bicycle design, such as exploring the use of sustainable materials and their unique vibration damping properties in terms of ride comfort. Other areas of research include the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to evaluate characteristics of bicycle components in a range of operating conditions to allow detailed performance parameters to be evaluated. The latest scope of research will expand to look at cycling laptime simulator, bicycle tyre grip model.

The group also has a strong specialism with focus in knowledge exchange activities related to product design, joining, materials and testing, and over the past ten years has built a strong portfolio of work related to bicycle design and research. 

Mountain bike on a bike trail

Related courses

Research impact

Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation of pedaling wind resistance (drag)

Research and engineering design work into new technologies for enhanced strength and fatigue performance, using a unique design of blended flax and hemp fibre joints let to the development of a bamboo bicycle frame that capitalises on the unique damping properties of bamboo (resulting in a commercially licensed product to RAW Bamboo Bikes Ltd)

Generated significant media interest e.g BBC interviews (local and world news services) and various international, national and local newspapers, e.g

Contributed to a case study by the University Alliance titled “Transformative knowledge: Collaborating on the world’s first 3D printed and bamboo bicycle” 

Hosted a sustainable enterprise from Ethiopia to facilitate knowledge transfer on the design and manufacture of an Ecobike that will make use of Ethiopia's bamboo resources. The bikes will be manufactured locally and provide transport for rural communities in Ethiopia to promote and enhance mobility. 

Industrial collaboration with Witney-based Shape Machining Ltd on the design and manufacture of lightweight bicycle saddl based on the concept of 'Embroidered' composite material using Shape Tex Manufacturing Technology.


Dr Shpend Gerguri

Reader in Engineering Design

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Active projects

Project title and description Investigator(s) Funder(s) Dates

ShapeTex™ innovative saddle

“Embroidered” composite material has produced an innovative bicycle saddle using ShapeTex™ Manufacturing Technology that is lighter and load bearing.
Dr Shpend Gerguri Brookes Research Excellence Award

World’s first 3D bamboo bicycle printed in London

The project was in collaboration with Bamboo Bicycle Club based in London as part of the design and development of 'future bike'. The concept was successfully demonstrated at the Design Museum in London on 9-10 April 2016 and it made it on the Global Cycling Network show (as per link - timeline: 2:08 mins -onwards) with over 220K views.
Dr Shpend Gerguri

Carbon Neutral Renewable Bicycle Frame (Grow your own bike)

This project aimed to design, develop and manufacture bicycle frames made from alternative 'carbon neutral' renewable resources such as bamboo and flax. These resources potentially offer a more sustainable engineered alternative to that of traditional bikes.
Dr Shpend Gerguri HEIF

Ecobike development: a social enterprise to bring bamboo bikes to Ethiopia

The Cycle Mobility Group hosted a sustainable enterprise from Ethiopia in July 2018. It will make use of Ethiopia’s bamboo resources to create bikes that will be manufactured locally and provide transport for rural communities in Ethiopia to promote and enhance mobility.
Dr Shpend Gerguri USADF From: June 2018