fEC Costing Tool - Worktribe

This page is for Oxford Brookes University staff. Its purpose is to explain internal processes to staff members. It was moved into its current location on the website in Autumn 2022.

Page content is being revised to reflect the move to the new Research, Innovation and Enterprise Directorate.

Costing tool for research and consultancy - Worktribe

Systems status

There are no known problems with either Converis or Worktribe. If you notice anything unexpected when using either system, please raise a ticket in Service Now.

The fEC costing tool system is an off-the-shelf package called Worktribe. Worktribe is currently used by a number of other institutions in the sector, and is well regarded. It uses the Full Economic Costing principles of the Transparent Approach to Costing.

Access to Worktribe is managed via Shibboleth and you can log on with your p00 and your usual password (e.g. as you do for Converis). If you are not on any of the campuses you will need to have already logged on to  Brookes VPN before logging on to Worktribe.

Login to Worktribe.


Information on e5 Activity Codes for Worktribe Projects

Previously the final 5 digits of the e5 activity code were equal to the pFACT project number. The Worktribe project ID contains a greater number of digits compared to the pFACT equivalent, due to character limits in e5 the activity codes will no longer include this information. Instead the final 5 digits will be a sequential number generated when the activity code is set up in e5.

Once an activity code has been set up in e5, it will be added to the "Activity Codes" file in Worktribe (under Help >Help Topics) alongside the Worktribe project ID.

Note, the activity code prefixes remain unchanged and the full Activity Code will still to be added to the "Key Information" section in Converis.

Rebecca Shearer-Rust, Cost Accountant (Transparency & Pricing)

If you need any assistance with Worktribe please refer to the Training Materials, which are being expanded all the time. If you are still stuck please contact research@brookes.ac.uk.