Oxford Brookes University Health and Safety Advisers Forum OBHSAF (OBUHSN 06)


This Health and Safety Notice should be read and understood by all relevant employees of Oxford Brookes University.

The Oxford Brookes University Health and Safety Advisors Forum (OBUHSAF) meets once per semester or as at such times as may be required by emergencies or other urgent considerations. The Safety Officer chairs the meetings of the Forum.

Objectives and functions

The aim of the OBUHSAF is to promote co-operation between the Safety Officer and the Health and Safety Advisors appointed by Heads of Faculties/Directorates in instigating, developing and carrying out measures to ensure the health, safety and welfare of staff, students and visitors at the University. While the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee has overall responsibility for ensuring that the University's Health and Safety policy is being fulfilled, the OBUHSAF supplements the general arrangements for ensuring the continued well-being of employees and students.

The terms of reference of the OBUHSAF will include:

  • the development, introduction and monitoring of health and safety rules and safe systems of work,
  • reporting on unsafe or unhealthy conditions and practices together with recommendations for remedial action,
  • the consideration of safety reports,
  • providing a means of discussing health and safety problems within the University;
  • reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of health and safety communications in the workplace,
  • reviewing the effectiveness of health and safety training,
  • the promotion of the health, safety and welfare of the University workforce,
  • putting items of concern on the Health, Safety & Welfare Committee.

Membership of the OBUHSAF

The current membership by name of appointee and Faculty/Directorate represented is given at Appendix 1.