Disabled Students' Allowance

Funding to support eligible students with disabilities and dyslexia/SpLD

 Announcement We are aware students are experiencing delays with their DSA applications. Please apply as early as you can. We can provide support and advice while you are waiting for your needs assessment.

Applying for DSA

Application for DSA is through your funding body. Please get in touch if you have any questions about DSA and the application process.

We have created a Google Doc checklist and Word document checklist to help you keep track of your application.

DSA drop-in Monday to Thursday, 12:30pm to 1:30pm

A drop-in for disabled students who want practical support with applications for. This includes specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia/DCD, attention deficit disorder and dyscalculia, autistic spectrum conditions, and long-term physical and mental health conditions, including practical 

No pre-booking is required - please join any session using the Zoom link provided below.

Google Meet and telephone appointments are available at other times by arrangement - please email inclusivesupport@brookes.ac.uk

While you wait for your DSA application and Needs Assessment report to be processed

We are aware that some students are currently waiting longer than anticipated for Student Finance England to process DSA applications, for a needs assessment appointment or for their final outcome entitlement letters. 

We are conscious of the need for students to have access to support in a timely manner and therefore offer interim Specialist Study Skills and Mentoring Support to students who have applied for DSA. In-house interim support usually means you can access one hour of support every other week in semester time. To make a request for support, please contact inclusivesupport@brookes.ac.uk

Many of our students who benefit from in-house interim support also benefit from continuity of Specialist Mentoring or Study Skills support as Oxford Brookes is then chosen as the supplier of support. Please tell your Needs Assessor if you are accessing interim support. 

£200 contribution towards a computer

Students who are recommended and agreed a computer will be required to pay £200 towards the cost of this. You may be eligible for reimbursement of this through Financial Aid arranged through the Inclusive Support Service. 

Printing costs

Printing costs may be funded through DSA. This will be specified in your DSA Entitlement Letter. If you are eligible to claim back your printing costs, please email inclusivesupport@brookes.ac.uk for help with claiming.

International students

International students should contact their home government for information on any funding that may be available to students with a disability or medical condition.

You are encouraged to disclose any disabilities prior to or at the application stage to enable us to help you identify your support needs and ensure you receive appropriate information and advice on how your needs may be met. Many of the arrangements students need are provided by the university as a matter of course and information about these can be found on this website. It is essential that you take into account how you will cover the cost of any additional support you may need while at university.


Apprentices funded through the Education and Skills Funding Agency do not need to apply for Disabled Students' Allowance. You can ask us to make a recommendation through the Learner Support Fund for software and specialist 1:1 study skills support or mentoring.