Student Support Services

We recognise that each student will have a unique set of hopes, ambitions and needs, and that these will change throughout your student journey. In order to respond to the full range of needs that will be experienced, the teams in Student Support Services will work alongside you in ways which are empowering and which build on your own resources and resilience. We will work in partnership with you, encouraging you to be proactive in realising your own potential and finding solutions which suit you best.

Our services include disability support, mental health and wellbeing support, transitions and induction, financial aid and student advice.

We aim to make everyone feel welcome and to respond to enquiries as efficiently as possible. 

You can use our contact form for making an enquiry or request for advice and support.

Contact us

Student Support Services

Semester time opening hours

  • Monday to Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm 
  • Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm

Vacation opening hours

  • Monday to Thursday 9.00am - 12.00pm and 1.00pm - 4.00pm 
  • Friday 9.00am - 12.00pm and 1.00pm - 4.00pm 

Buckley Building, Ground Floor
Headington Campus

+ 44 (0) 1865 535222

About us

Our services are available to all students enrolled with Oxford Brookes. The Multifaith Chaplaincy is also open to University staff and visitors. We are always happy to respond to enquiries from students, staff, prospective students and third parties, and to help if we can.

What we do

  • listen and take you seriously
  • help you make your own decisions, and where appropriate give you information and advice to assist you
  • respond as quickly as we can, particularly if your situation is urgent
  • liaise with others in the University or beyond if you give us permission
  • offer brief, focused contact to help you work with your own resources
  • provide information (eg self-help resources) in person and online.

What we don't do

  • judge you
  • tell you what to do and what not to do (although we may help you think about the consequences of your decisions)
  • talk to anyone without your permission (unless you or someone else is at serious risk of harm)
  • represent you as an advocate.

What we ask of you

To help us respond to your needs quickly and efficiently, please:

  • provide all the information requested when you register with us
  • let us know if any of your details change
  • reply to emails as quickly as possible (remember, we use your Oxford Brookes email account)
  • come to appointments on time
  • let us know as soon as you can if you are unable to attend
  • give us feedback about our services so that we can improve them.

Confidentiality and privacy

Our services are confidential. This means that information about you will not be shared without your permission, unless you or someone else is at risk of serious harm. Please read our:

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Student Support Services embraces Oxford Brookes University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement. We are committed to equality of access and treatment regardless of race, religion, sex, disability, marital status, social class, age or sexual preference. Forms of unlawful direct and indirect discrimination, unequal treatment or unethical behaviour will be challenged.

We aim to be accessible to all students, staff and visitors. Please ask us if you require any help to make best use of our services.

Feedback, suggestions and complaints

Your feedback helps us to make improvements to our services. Please fill in an evaluation form if you receive one. We value informal feedback and suggestions. Individual comments remain confidential, but we do share anonymised feedback in our annual reports and publicity.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of our services and wish to raise a concern, please tell a member of staff or contact the Deputy Director of Student Services. We aim to respond to concerns quickly, and where possible to resolve them at an informal level. If you are a current student and wish to make a formal complaint, you can do this via the Student Complaint Procedure.