Booking and cost

Booking your test

You can register for the OSCE stage of the Overseas registration process once you have received confirmation from the NMC that you are eligibile to sit the Test of Competence.

The NMC will confirm with us your eligibility to take the OSCE.

We are only able to book tests for candidates that have received either a decision letter or Test of Competence Invitation Letter from NMC.

Below you will find information on Individual Candidate Bookings. Alternatively, find out more information for Trust/Agency bookings and costs.

What happens next?

Once you have emailed and registered your interest to sit the Test of Competence and we confirm you are eligible to complete the test:

  • we will provide you with our availability matching your requested timeframe
  • after agreeing a suitable and available date, we will send you a link to our online booking service and a password for making payment
  • you will be required to make payment by card at the point of booking
  • once you have paid you will gain access to all of our online resources.

Contact us

NMC Competence Test Centre (individual enquiries)

NMC Competence Test Centre (group enquiries)