Tessa Jane Evans Bursary for Nursing

 Please note: Applications are now closed.

Key facts

Start dates

September 2024

Available to home or international students?

Home / International

Study level


Award value


Eligible course awards

BSc (Hons)

Number of awards


Application deadline

30 November 2024


The Oxford Brookes University’s Faculty of Health & Life Sciences is offering 3 Bursary Nursing Awards to help help trainee student nurses with living expenses. Each award will be up to £2,000 per student for each academic year for over a maximum period of 3 years.

The Bursary is open to mature, Home/EU students who are in financial need and without other funding, and would find it difficult financially to undertake the 3 year Pre-Registration course for the University’s BSc (Hons) programme in Adult Nursing Degree in Oxford and Swindon. 


Eligibility criteria

Applications for an award can be submitted between 6 September and 30 November 2024 prior to commencing the degree programme.

  • The bursary is open to Home / EU students of 30 years and over.
  • The award will be £2,000 per year and will be paid in 2 instalments for up to 3 academic years.
  • Before applying for the bursary, the student must have secured an offer to a place from the University on BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing course in Oxford or Swindon.
  • Having received a Conditional Offer, applicants for the bursary should complete this application form.
  • Applications will be shortlisted and considered on merit by a selection panel. Interviews will not normally be undertaken unless required by the University.
  • A bursary offer letter will be sent by the University to each chosen recipient of the bursary, a copy of which the recipient student must sign and return providing their bank details. 
  • By signing and returning the bursary offer letter, the recipient student must agree to the conditions of the bursary, and that their name may be shared with the family of bursary donor Tessa Evans, and that they agree to assist in the promotion of the bursary.
  • The recipient student is responsible for informing the University should their financial circumstances change during the course of the award.
  • In addition, Tessa Evans Scholars will receive:
    • mentorship from a member of staff within one of our NHS Trust partners
    • a guaranteed leadership placement opportunity within their course.
  • The completed application form should be emailed to nursingbursary@brookes.ac.uk
  • The University’s decisions about the award and its continuance are entirely at the discretion of the University.

This funding is available to students studying on the following courses:


Application process

Download and complete the application form and email it to nursingbursary@brookes.ac.uk.

 Please note: Applications are now closed.