Our English Literature course allows you to explore classic works and contemporary texts side-by-side. There are Creative Writing options in all three years of study. You can study English Literature as a single honours degree or combine it with another subject.
English Literature
You can't study theatre without experiencing it, and we run regular theatre trips to see shows. In 2019, all first year students taking the Shakespeare module got to see Measure for Measure at the Barbican in London.
Students are pictured with staff members Cato Marks, Laura Higgins, Alex Goody. Lis Jay, Cheryl Birdseye, Sarah Waters and Russell Anderson.

- Ishion Hutchinson – Award-winning Jamaican poet and essayist Ishion Hutchinson recently shared his work with students and guests of the Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre
- Philip Pullman – Award-winning writer
Gaby Wood – honorary graduate - director of Man Booker

Established in 2017, ignitionpress is an award-winning poetry pamphlet press with an international outlook which publishes original, arresting poetry from emerging poets. Pamphlets published by the press have so far received four Poetry Book Society Pamphlet Choice selections (for A Hurry of English, Hinge, Ripe, and Sargam / Swargam). Hinge by Alycia Pirmohamed was also shortlisted for the Michael Marks Poetry Award, 2020 and the press won the Michael Michael Marks Publishers' Award in 2021. You can find out more about the press and how we work in this interview on the Friday Poem website with our Managing Editor, Les Robinson, or watch this short video that we produced for the Michael Marks Awards, 2021.
Dr Eleanor Lowe
Programme Lead for English Literature and Creative Writing (MA, Greece)
Dr Andrea Macrae
Principal Lecturer in Student Experience and Stylistics
Dr Niall Munro
Senior Lecturer in American Literature & Director of the Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre
Dr Dinah Roe
Research Lead for English, Creative Writing and Modern Languages, Reader in 19th Century Literature
Professor Nicole Pohl
Professor Emerita in Early Modern Literature and Critical Theory
Dr Carina Bartleet
Programme Lead in Drama, Theatre and Acting; MA Creative Writing; Communication, Media and Culture