Student Active

Welcome to Brookes Active!

At Oxford Brookes University, staying active isn't just about exercise - it's about enhancing your overall wellness, expanding your social circles and even boosting academic performance. We're here to help you make the most of these benefits during your university journey.

Brookes Active is dedicated to creating opportunities for you to be more active, more often. 

Do you have any suggestions, feedback or want to collaborate on organising activities? Please share your thoughts by completing the Brookes Active feedback form linked below.

Let's work together to make your time at Oxford Brookes University as active and enjoyable as possible.

 Announcement A lot of our Brookes Active activities slow down over the summer, however, please explore below the activities we have running over the Summer period.

Active Travel

We are passionate about encouraging the Oxford Brookes community to use Active Routes to get to and from the Oxford Brookes campuses. We now have showers and lockers at the Headington Campus to make the transition from commute to study more comfortable.

Active Travel Lockers

Strava groups

Join our Brookes Active running and cycling clubs on Strava - see how you measure up against others up Headington Hill, or see who has the longest run into university! 

Active while studying

Time spent studying is time often spent not moving and the more time spent sedentary the less energy we have overall and the greater our risk of cardiovascular disease and other common illnesses.

Being able to get your head down and study is important but breaking it up with activity has been shown to improve concentration, reduce stress and increase productivity. Here are some top tips:

  • Stand up at least every 90 minutes, but ideally every 30 minutes. It will help you refocus and encourages circulation and our metabolism
  • Take every opportunity to stand up, for example when checking emails or answering the phone
  • Get away from your study space and go for a walk at lunchtime, even if it's just to eat your lunch somewhere different
  • Make active choices such as taking the stairs, cycling to university or getting off the bus a stop earlier and walking

Any increase in activity is better than none, however, the greatest benefits are seen by doing 150 minutes of moderately intense physical activity every week. Ideally that should be made up of daily activity in bouts of 10 minutes or more and "moderately intense" means that your breathing and heart rate will be increased and you feel warmer.

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