PGCE Primary 3-7 (with QTS)


Start dates: September 2024

Full time: Up to 42 weeks

Location: Harcourt Hill

Department(s): School of Education, Humanities and Languages

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Great teachers make a difference to the lives of every child they teach everyday. Crucially, they have the knowledge, skills and understanding to teach excellent lessons - that have a positive impact on all pupils. The 3-7 Primary PGCE has been designed to enable you to become a primary teacher with an early years specialism.

By developing your knowledge and understanding of research, with a strong focus on what makes a difference in the classroom, you will develop a strong theoretical framework to your practice. Your practice, refined both on-campus and on-placement, will draw directly on this research. 

When you train to teach at Oxford Brookes, you will join a course whose graduates inspire thousands of children and lead in hundreds of schools across Oxfordshire and beyond. School leaders know our graduates are well-prepared to meet the high standards expected of them in our schools, with a broad range of on-campus and on-placement teaching and learning preparing them to make a difference in the lives of every child they teach, every day.

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Students sat around a round table doing work together on laptops

Why Oxford Brookes University?

  • Become a skilled teacher

    You’ll study a curriculum underpinned by the Initial Teacher Training and Early Career Framework (ITTECF)

  • On-campus and on-placement learning

    Put theory into practice with three placements across Key Stages 1 and 2, early reading and inclusive practice

  • Extensive network of partner schools

    Complete on-placement learning in a range of school settings in our network of partner schools

  • Excellence for all

    A programme designed around the core components you need to meet to gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)

  • Accreditation(s)

    The Department for Education and The Teaching Regulation Agency

    • Spacer

Course details

Course structure

On this course you’ll:

  • enter teaching with the knowledge, skills and understanding to improve the prospects for every child
  • develop layers of complex knowledge and skills
  • use interleaving and retrieval practice to ensure your learning is established, remembered and applied
  • be exposed to strong models of teaching in your provider-led and placement experiences
  • experience practice and theory - relevant to your classroom practice
  • learn to deliver a rigorous and carefully sequenced curriculum to your pupils
  • have the support to develop resilience as a teacher
  • make a sustained impact on the teaching profession
  • critique and deconstruct knowledge, models and teaching practice to establish the thinking behind outcomes.

Student reading coursework

Learning and teaching

At Oxford Brookes we are passionate about excellence for all in education. Discover what this means and how this is delivered across all of our ITE programmes in our curriculum map.

You will be taught through the following methods:

  • lectures
  • directed reading
  • workshops
  • seminars
  • practical and project work with professional tutor support.

Attendance at lectures, workshops, seminars and school based training is a compulsory component of successful completion of the course. It is monitored throughout and reflected in trainee references.

Teaching staff are drawn primarily from the School of Education, Humanities and Languages. You will also have further input from visiting speakers from:

  • partnership schools
  • teaching unions
  • newly qualified teachers (NQTs)
  • other experts within the field of education.


All academic modules are rigorously assessed, mostly by written assignments.

When you are on your School Based Training you'll adhere to the School Based Curriculum which addresses the Core Content Framework.

Your assessment is based on:

  • coursework
  • assignments
  • achieving the standard towards the end of your School Based Training for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

Study modules

Through your learning we’ll:

  • train you to hold high expectations for every child you teach by including social justice throughout the course
  • provide you with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to be recommended for qualified teacher status
  • train and support our mentors - so that they know how to help you make progress
  • assess and support you to become a teacher that makes a positive difference.

Taught modules

Compulsory modules

  • Equity in Education (20 credits)

    In this module, you’ll develop your knowledge and understanding of the causes and impact of inequity in education. Through reviewing recent research and policy developments, you will consider examples of inequity and the implications of these for pupils and schools.

    Develop vital skills as a classroom practitioner that support you to challenge assumptions and viewpoints, understand the notion of possibility, and present arguments and critiques through exploring the issues and themes of;

    • The attainment gap

    • Mental health and wellbeing

    • English as an additional language

    • Special educational needs and disabilities

    • Technology in education

    • Early years

    • Transitions

    • Assessment

    • Bias in education

  • Evidence Informed Practice (20 credits)

    In this module you’ll explore the links between evidence and classroom practice. Through the lens of a national curriculum subject, you’ll examine the connections between evidence, policy and classroom practice and how this has been interpreted.

    Through lectures, research and discussion you’ll develop the skills to;

    • identify the pertinent knowledge that informs current teaching policy and consider the extent to which this is achieved in practice

    • consider the purpose of studying foundation subjects in Primary Education

    • consider the importance of developing secure concepts of knowledge for all pupils

  • Professional Practice

    In this module you will develop the skills, understanding and knowledge to become an effective classroom teacher. You will learn how to:

    • Develop a secure climate for learning
    • Plan rigorous lessons which support pupils to learn
    • Understand how learning happens and how you can ensure this happens in your classroom
    • To make assessments of pupils learning and to respond to what they have learnt
    • To maintain excellent professional conduct.
  • English 3-7

    You will develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to design and implement effective English lessons in the primary classroom. You will learn to:

    • Engage pupils in ambitious classroom talk
    • Ensure pupils have access to high quality Systematic Synthetic Phonics lesson that enable them to become fluent readers
    • Provide pupils with opportunities to develop a broad and rich knowledge of language and vocabulary
    • Expose pupils to high quality and diverse literature
    • Teach pupils to write with confidence and rigour
    • Design opportunities for English across the primary curriculum
    • Develop your own subject knowledge.
  • Mathematics 3-7

    Here you’ll develop your knowledge, skills and confidence in mathematics. You’ll gain the grounding you need to help children progress and enjoy maths across the EYFS and KS 1. You’ll enhance your understanding with cross-curricular work linking mathematics with other subjects.

    You’ll improve your own knowledge and confidence in mathematics and your understanding of number, algebra, geometry, measures and data handling, as well as exploring topics such as:

    • applying mathematics across the curriculum
    • understanding how children learn mathematics, and how to address their misconceptions
    • the role of reasoning and communication in teaching, learning and doing mathematics
    • developing creative, inspirational and challenging approaches to teaching mathematics across the attainment range.
  • Science 3-7

    In this module you will develop your subject knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and confidence in science. You will acquire knowledge and understanding required to secure the progress and engagement of all your pupils in science across the primary years

  • Arts and Humanities 3-7

    Here you’ll gain a foundation in the arts and humanities from the EYFS to KS 1. With practical workshop sessions and project-based work, you’ll build your confidence and enjoyment of the arts and humanities. We’ll investigate topics like: 

    • national and local initiatives to support arts and humanities teaching
    • learning outside the classroom
    • using the expertise of educational officers and tutors in a variety of venues
    • embedding active citizenship, cultural diversity and cultural heritage
    • using ICT effectively in the arts and humanities
    • cross-curricular approaches, making particular links with physical education and design and technology.


  • PE and Computing 3-7

    In this module, you’ll work on the knowledge and understanding you need to help children progress in physical development and their use of computing. You’ll focus on:

    • developing and assessing children’s physical development in the three to seven age range
    • links between children’s physical development and skills acquisition across the EYFS and KS 1 curriculum
    • computing in the EYFS and KS 1 curriculum
    • the role of technologies in developing children’s learning.

School based curriculum

Compulsory modules

  • School based curriculum 1

    This is the first of your three school based placements. Your placements will be in Nursery, Reception and Key Stage One classroom based in one of the University’s partnership schools. For the first placement you will focus on developing:

    • Teacher presence
    • Climate for learning
    • Planning using an ‘I, we, you’ model.
    • Explicit modelling
    • Professionalism.


  • School based curriculum 2

    This is the second of your school based placements. You’ll be based in one of the University’s partnership schools. You will focus on developing:

    • Questioning skills
    • Lesson design to include explicit modelling and scaffolding.
    • Adaptive teaching to provide support and challenge
    • Planning strong retrieval practice.
    • Anticipating misconceptions
    • Planning for and working with other adults.
  • School based curriculum 3

    This is your final school based placement. You’ll be based in one of the University’s partnership schools. You will focus on developing:

    • Retrieval practice
    • Questioning for purpose
    • Planning and teaching sequences of learning.
    • Planning intelligent practice
    • Responsive and adaptive teaching.
    • Assessment to inform your teaching.
    • Verbal and written feedback
    • Preparing for your ECT years.




Please note: As our courses are reviewed regularly as part of our quality assurance framework, the modules you can choose from may vary from those shown here. The structure of the course may also mean some modules are not available to you.


The School of Education, Humanities and Languages is a thriving centre for educational research and teacher professional development. Students on master's level programmes therefore join a large research community comprising researchers at all levels of higher education study.

We hold two major research conferences each year - the School of Education Research Conference and the EdD Colloquium. All students are invited to attend our annual Research

Seminar Series (which attracts both internal and external speakers). We also organise a number of conferences, lectures, seminars and debates, some of which have an international reach.

The School’s six research groups exist to encourage engagement in research, publication, conference presentations, seminars and workshops:

  • Inclusion and Wellbeing
  • Policy, Partnership and Leadership
  • STEAM pedagogy and learning
  • Humanistic Perspectives on Education
  • Early Years
  • Applied Linguistics

View all staff profiles for School of Education, Humanities and Languages

Male student working in cafe


By completing placements in a variety of local primary schools, you will build excellent relationships with head teachers helping your future employment prospects. Many of our graduates go on to gain employment in the schools where they have previously been placed.

Professional Accreditation

This course is accredited by the Teaching Regulation Agency to grant Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) in the UK. You will be provisionally registered with the Teaching Regulation Agency at the beginning of your course. Students who successfully complete the course will be recommended for QTS.

Please be aware that following the UK's departure from the European Union, QTS awarded by UK higher education institutions is not currently recognised in the EU.

Student profiles

Entry requirements

International qualifications and equivalences

How to apply

Application process

Apply for this course through DfE Apply.

You will receive a communication from us inviting you to an interview day if your application is successful. We are currently running virtual online interviews at the moment.

A successful interview will lead to you receiving an offer for a place on this course. 

When you apply for the course, we recommend that you have school experience. Applicants should have insights into the primary classroom with school experience. Though this is not compulsory for applicants.

Tuition fees

Please see the fees note
Home (UK) full time

International full time

Home (UK) full time

International full time

Questions about fees?

Contact Student Finance on:

Tuition fees

2024 / 25
Home (UK) full time

International full time

2025 / 26
Home (UK) full time

International full time

Questions about fees?

Contact Student Finance on:

+44 (0)1865 534400

Fees quoted are for the first year only. If you are studying a course that lasts longer than one year, your fees will increase each year.

The following factors will be taken into account by the University when it is setting the annual fees: inflationary measures such as the retail price indices, projected increases in University costs, changes in the level of funding received from Government sources, admissions statistics and access considerations including the availability of student support.

How and when to pay

Tuition fee instalments for the semester are due by the Monday of week 1 of each semester. Students are not liable for full fees for that semester if they leave before week 4. If the leaving date is after week 4, full fees for the semester are payable.

  • For information on payment methods please see our Make a Payment page.
  • For information about refunds please visit our Refund policy page

Additional costs

Please be aware that some courses will involve some additional costs that are not covered by your fees. Specific additional costs for this course are detailed below.

Funding your studies

Financial support and scholarships

Featured funding opportunities available for this course.

Oxford Brookes alumni may be eligible for a 10% fees discount on postgraduate study.

All financial support and scholarships

View all funding opportunities for this course

Programme changes:
On rare occasions we may need to make changes to our course programmes after they have been published on the website. For more information, please visit our changes to programmes page.