Use databases to search for details of articles, published in all the most important journals in a particular subject area.
Web of Science
This host service provides a single route to many of the key scientific databases subscribed to by Brookes. These are: the Web of Science Core Collection (including the Science Citation Index); MEDLINE; Biosis Citation Index; Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science; and Journal Citation Reports. Databases can be searched individually or together and bibliographic records will link to any full-text content available via Full Text Finder.
Academic Search Complete
A full-text database providing full articles, with their accompanying indexing and abstracts, across a wide range of subjects, including pet welfare and equine and horse topics.
Science Direct
Contains around 2500 full text journals published by Elsevier, mainly in science, technology and medicine. Full text coverage for most journals in the collection is available from 2002 to present.
Sport Discus
This host service provides a single route to many of the key scientific databases subscribed to by Brookes. These are: the Web of Science Core Collection (including the Science Citation Index); MEDLINE; Biosis Citation Index; Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science; and Journal Citation Reports. Databases can be searched individually or together and bibliographic records will link to any full-text content available via Full Text Finder.
A large international medical, biomedical and healthcare database which also includes veterinary, animal health and other life science journal titles.
Statista offers access to statistics and studies on 80,000 topics and 170 industries. It contains statistics, infographics, market surveys, consumer surveys, industry and country reports. Sources include government institutions, such as statistical offices and ministries, international organisations, market research institutes, and trade journals. Data on the gross advertising market (Nielsen) and buying and consumption behaviour/brands(VuMa) and other paid sources such as Mintel, YouGov, eMarketer, Kantar and PwC are also included.
International news database providing archive of over 12,000 sources from 152 countries in 22 languages. Leading national newspapers, trade and professional journals, the BBC Monitoring Service (transcripts of world radio broadcasts) are all included. No data harvesting, systematic reviews, or large data exports are permitted - the supplier will suspend access if mass downloading is conducted.
Box of Broadcasts (BoB)
An online archive giving you access to thousands of recorded radio and TV programmes including films. It allows users to record programmes which will then be stored on the database. Log in when prompted with your Brookes username and password.