As dynamic team, we undertake a variety of healthcare-related qualitative research studies. Examples include:
- A novel application of breadth and depth methodology to explore clinic reports on daily activity, identity, and wellbeing from carers of patients referred to a specialist brain clinic.
- A qualitative evidence synthesis of peer-reviewed published qualitative research exploring perceptions of adolescents and young people aged 11 to 25 years, with and without diagnosis on the factors/ determinants that influence (engagement and participation) physical activity.
- A collaboration with Lund University to increase research capacity in occupational science and intervention development. Including introducing the evidence-based Intervention Balancing Everyday Life in the UK. (adult mental health).
An exploration of health care students’ experiences, views and attitudes towards environmental sustainability.
Views, practices, experiences and priorities of HLS academics in relation to embedding planetary health and environmental sustainability within programme curricula.
Environmental sustainability.