UREC Membership

University Officers

UREC Co-Chairs:  Professor Sarah Quinton and Professor Koula Asimakopoulou

CRES Chair: Dr Carol Brown

HSCRES Chair: Professor Jo Brett

University Research Ethics Officer: Dr Lauren Morry.

Chair of the University Research Ethics Committee


Faculty/Department Research Ethics Officers

Faculty / DepartmentResearch Ethics Officer
Oxford Brookes Business School

Yan Sun and Samantha Miles  

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Zoe Davey

NHS Sponsorship Approval TeamOlga Kozlowska
Alternate: Foteini Mavrommati
Oxford School of Nursing and MidwiferySue Schutz and Lucy McGeagh 
Sport, Health Sciences and Social Work & Biological and Medical Sciences 

Email: shssw-ethics@brookes.ac.uk

Vasiliki Iatridi
Alternate: Jamie Sims

Psychology, Health and Professional Development

Clare Rathbone
Alternate: Jennifer Seddon and Valerie van Mulukom 

Humanities and Social Sciences

Linda Shaw
Alternate: Sarah Whitmore

Technology, Design and Environment

Tim Jones
Alternate: Clare Martin

Directorate Representative
(for applications from all Directorates, including OCAED )    

Joseph Ripp
Scholarly Communications