Where a line manager does not wish to confirm an appointment, they should consult the People Directorate at least six weeks before the end of the probationary period. There will be a discussion between the line manager and the People Directorate taking account of the written evidence of the support and training the employee has been given, the standards that have been communicated to them, their performance, and copies of the notes generated and sent to the employee after each Progress Meeting.
If it is agreed that the evidence supplied supports a case for not confirming the appointment (and not extending the probationary period), the line manager will write a report recommending that the employment should be terminated. This should be submitted via the PVC Dean/Director to the People Directorate for consideration by the Vice-Chancellor (or nominatee).
The employee will be informed in person by their line manager that this recommendation is being made and this will be confirmed in writing to the member of staff with a copy of the report by the People Directorate. In that letter the employee will be invited to make any representations to the Vice-Chancellor (or nominee), either in writing or orally, within 5 working days. Any representation meeting between the Vice-Chancellor and the employee will take place within 10 days of the employee notifying that they wish to make a representation. The staff member may be accompanied by a friend, employee or a trade union representative. A member of the People Directorate will attend as note-taker.
The Vice-Chancellor or the nominee will receive the full set of documentation together with any written or oral representations from the employee. The Vice-Chancellor may seek supplementary information from any of the parties, and any such information shall also be communicated to the employee and the People Directorate.
If the recommendation for dismissal is approved, the employee will be notified in writing and informed of the right of appeal.