Religion and belief

The Equality Act 2010 outlaws discrimination on the basis of religion and belief.  The legislation is broad in that it includes those who do not have a religion/belief.  The term religion/belief covers mainstream religions and beliefs as well as those that are currently less well recognised, including philosophical beliefs such as vivisection.  Political beliefs however are not covered.  The law makes illegal any form of prohibited conduct in relation to religion and belief (including discrimination, harassment and victimisation) and requires the University as a public body to advance equality of opportunity between people of different religions and beliefs.

Oxford Brookes celebrates and values the diversity provided by individual members of the University community and aims to create an environment where the cultural, religious and non-religious beliefs of all are respected.  Further guidance is contained in the University’s Religion and Belief Policy.

The University has a Multifaith Chaplaincy which offers friendship and spiritual care to members of the Oxford Brookes’ community from any faith tradition or none.  Further information is available on the Multifaith Chaplaincy web pages.  The University has also set up a Multifaith Advisory Board, chaired by the Head of Wellbeing, which has responsibility for the multifaith dimensions of the work of the Chaplaincy. 

The Multifaith Chaplaincy has strong links with faith and community groups within the Oxford area. It also offers quiet space and prayer rooms around the campus.