Workplace advice

Taking care of your health

If you have a concern about your health that you believe to be caused or made worse by your work, do seek help. Discuss any issues with your manager in the first instance and agree on the action to be taken to remedy the problem. If you are unable to talk to your direct manager, then your Head of Department or link People Manager will also be able to give you advice.

Working with display screen equipment

The Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992, states that members of staff who use display screen equipment (DSE) will be suitably trained and their workstation assessed to minimise the risks to their health or safety.

Initial DSE assessments are carried out by local DSE assessors nominated by Faculties and Directorates. The OH Advisers acts as an additional assessor to provide specialist advice in more complex cases where issues cannot be resolved in the usual way.

The definition and of a DSE user and requirements of the regulations, including vision assessment can be found in the policy. The University has enhanced the statutory provisions on vision assessment and the provision of corrective appliances. Designated users must attend DSE users’ training, complete the ergonomic assessment and have their eyes tested as soon as possible after starting work for the University.

Initial DSE assessments are carried out by local DSE assessors nominated by Faculties and Directorates. The OH Advisers acts as an additional assessor to provide specialist advice in more complex cases where issues cannot be resolved in the usual way.

Please see: 

Manual handling

Assessment for Manual Handling Risk (Manual Handling Regulations 1992) is carried out by Faculty/Directorate assessors. Further advice and support can be sought from the OH Advisor and/or Health and Safety Officer.

Contact us

Occupational Health Service
Room C132, Wheatley Campus
Wheatley OX33 1HX