2.5 Making awards - governance

2.5.1 The University’s academic governance structure can be found on the Academic Board and its Sub-Committees website.

2.5.2 University awards are ratified by the Academic Board, through a system of examination committees (for courses and qualifications involving the award of credit); and the Honorary Conferments Committee advises the Academic Board on the conferment of honorary awards. The Research Degrees Committee, supported by its Subject Sub-committees, is the examination committee for research degrees.

2.5.3 All programmes of study leading to the award of Brookes credit or qualification, wherever the programme of study is delivered, must have an examination committee to oversee the assessment of students. Unlike other University committees, student members are not permitted. For collaborative provision, the membership and management of the Examination Committee will be set out in the Operations Manual governing the partnership arrangements.

2.5.4 Examination Committees are a key element in the University’s framework for safeguarding the academic standards of its awards. Their main purpose is to assess students in accordance with the regulations applying to their programmes, including any professional body requirements attached to the award, and make recommendations for progression or the conferment of academic awards on students who have fulfilled the award requirements.

2.5.5 An examination committee may not award academic credit or recommend awards unless it has evidence of a candidate's achievement of the academic and professional (if applicable) standards for the award; and no recommendation for the conferment of an award of the University may be made without the consent of an approved external examiner.

2.5.6 Any disagreement between internal and external examiners which cannot be resolved by an examination committee will be referred to the Chair of the Academic Board (the Vice-Chancellor) for resolution.