Professor Kate Wilmut
Professor in Psychology
(Director of the Centre)

Dr. Nayeli Gonzalez-Gomez
Reader in Psychology
(Director of the Centre)

Professor Anna Barnett
Professor in Psychology
Director(s): Dr Nayeli Gonzalez-Gomez, Professor Kate Wilmut
The Centre for Psychological Research has a thriving community of research active staff and research scholars. Two themes infuse the research that we do:
Our researchers work across the following groups, with the themes above running throughout all four groups:
We attract significant finding awards from various sources including industry, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Technology Strategy Board and the Leverhulme Trust. We work with health and education professionals as well as partners in industry to develop knowledge and understanding that informs policy and improves people’s lives.
We work with health and education professionals as well as partners in industry to develop knowledge and understanding that informs policy and improves people’s lives.
The quality and impact of our research has been reflected in the UK government’s latest Research Excellence Framework, where the majority of our research was judged to be world leading or of international standing.