Wellbeing at Work Strategy

The Wellbeing at Work Strategy is one of a framework of enabling strategies supporting the University’s People and Culture Strategy.

The strategy outlines how we plan to meet the following ambition in the People and Culture Strategy:

We will take a proactive approach to supporting and promoting physical and mental health and wellbeing for all our people, identifying pressures and acting to relieve them, and providing access to sufficient resources and effective support.

The Wellbeing at Work Strategy has three ambitions:

Working to:

  1. Actively reduce or mitigate stressors/ill-health factors that exist in the workplace, replacing them with those which help build and strengthen factors contributing to health and wellbeing so that we can flourish;
  2. Supporting people to improve their wellbeing and strengthen their personal resources including external factors outside of the workplace.
  3. Ensuring effective measures are in place where people are adversely impacted by ill health.

A wellbeing survey was conducted to inform the development of the strategy.  The results of this can be found on the Wellbeing Survey Results Google Site

We have already completed a range of actions and have further actions planned to support the achievement of these ambitions. You can read more about this in the Activities in support of the Wellbeing at Work Strategy.  A key action already underway is the completion of a Stress Management Risk Assessment which will inform actions in support of Ambition 1.

Further information and resources about wellbeing at work can be found on our Health and Wellbeing webpages.

University Mental Health Charter

The University has signed up to the University Mental Health Charter Framework which provides a set of evidence-informed principles to support universities to adopt a whole-university approach to mental health and wellbeing. The charter is composed of 18 themes mapped around four domains. This includes a ‘Work’ domain consisting of two themes:

  • Staff wellbeing which includes workplace culture, interventions to support good staff wellbeing and support for staff who are experiencing problems with their mental health.
  • Staff development which covers staff training and development in relation to mental health, including role-specific training and manager training.

The Wellbeing at Work strategy is informed by the charter framework and will provide the roadmap for the achievement of the work domain elements of the charter.  The University’s Personal and Organisational Development strategy that focuses on Staff development will further support the Staff Development theme.