Health and Wellbeing - Guidance for Managers

If someone is in crisis - expressing that they have overwhelming thoughts and/or feelings to either hurt themselves hurt or somebody else encourage them to get urgent help.  The webpages contains details of where to access urgent help if required.

The health, safety and wellbeing webpages provide guidance and information about Health and Safety, Occupational Health and wider employee health and wellbeing.

What you can do as a line manager

There are a number of steps you can take to ensure the health and wellbeing of your team.  One of these is to ensure you look after your own health and wellbeing.  The others are:

Support for you as a line manager

Developing your skills and knowledge

The Health and Wellbeing section in Staff Learning Portal offers a range of workshops and e-learning materials. This includes content aimed specifically at Managers to support the development of the skills outlined in this section.