The method for adding references will vary according to database. Below we have included instructions for our most well used databases. If the database you wish to use is not listed below, you may find it on our complete guide to exporting references (pdf or word) for EndNote Online or for EndNote21.
EBSCO databases (including Academic Search Complete, British Education Index, Business Source Complete, CINAHL, MLA International Bibliography, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus)
- Run search on database, then select records by clicking on the folder icon next to each. Click on 'Folder view' to see selected references.
- Select references you want to export and click on the Export option on the right.
- For EndNote Online: select the 2nd option Direct export to EndNote Web and Save. The references will be transferred directly to your EndNote Online library. If this fails to work, select the 1st option Direct export in RIS format and Save. Then import the file using the method for adding references from LibrarySearch.
- For EndNote Desktop: select the 1st option Direct export in RIS format and Save. Select open with EndNote for direct export. If saving and importing into EndNote Desktop later, use the Reference Manager (RIS) import filter (using the method for adding references from LibrarySearch).
Run search on database, then select references on a page of results by clicking in the checkbox next to each.
- Select 'Add to marked list' before advancing to another page of results
- When you have added all the references you require to your list, go to 'Marked list'
- Click on the dropdown option to 'Save to EndNote online'
Adding references by importing RIS files
This method will apply for any database that exports files in RIS format (including ProQuest databases such as British Nursing Index and IBSS, Cochrane Library, Emerald Insight, JSTOR and Science Direct).
- Run search on database and then select the records required.
- Look for an ‘export’ option (it may be ‘save’ and you may initially have to look for a list of ‘marked record’).
- Export to ‘RIS’ format.
- Save the file - give it a name and save to folder of your choice.
- For EndNote Desktop: go to your library and import the saved file using Reference Manager (RIS) as the import option.
- For EndNote Online: go to your library and click on the Collect tab. Choose Import References. Browse for your saved file and then select the import filter RefMan RIS. Click on Import.