6.5 Marking and feedback

Students will be provided with the criteria against which they will be assessed, along with the brief for each coursework task. The grading scheme applied to all Oxford Brookes taught programmes, is set out in section 6.7. Each assessment task is marked according to this grading scheme, and a percentage mark is applied. The module mark is calculated by applying the approved weighting to the individual assignment tasks.

Students are entitled to timely feedback on their assessed work in order to enable them to improve their performance on future assignments, and the ways in which they can access this feedback will also be set out in module handbooks. Assessment is a matter of academic judgement of the standard attained, in accordance with the approved assessment criteria; however, it must be clear to students how their mark/grade has been arrived at, and this will be indicated in the feedback provided. Research degree supervisors will review and critically comment on the student’s work as it progresses, normally within two weeks of submission. However, in the case of a student submitting a substantial number of chapters or the final draft of the thesis for assessment, the timescale for reviewing the work will be agreed with the supervisors.

If a student’s work demonstrates that the learning outcomes for an assessment task have been achieved, a pass grade is assigned, on the basis of the marking criteria for the module; and if the learning outcomes have not been met, an appropriate fail grade is given.