The Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey (CEDARS) is a national survey to obtain data about the research environment, working conditions, career aspirations and professional development opportunities of Researchers.
We are celebrating lots of highlights from CEDARS 2023 here at Oxford Brookes University (OBU):
Research Staff:
90% of Research Staff said they would recommend Oxford Brookes to prospective researchers.
90% of OBU Researchers agreed/agreed strongly that they are satisfied with the facilities and services for Researchers in their academic department.
Research Staff recruited at OBU in the last 2 years were more likely than the sector average to both “agree” and “agree strongly” with all statements relating to the recruitment, selection and appointment process as fair, inclusive, transparent and merit-based, with 100% reporting the process as fair and merit-based.
Research Staff were more likely to rate their experience of Induction as both “useful” and “very useful”, compared to the sector average across all levels (institutional, departmental/faculty/unit level and local to current role).
OBU Research Staff were markedly more likely to “agree”/“agree strongly” than the sector average in evaluating their experience of:
- job satisfaction
- feeling valued at work
- manager promotes good work-life balance
- feeling included in immediate research environment/group
- encouraged to take positive action to maintain mental health and wellbeing.
Researchers at OBU were more likely to both “agree” and “agree strongly” with all statements relating to awareness of mechanisms, reporting and trust in the institution to investigate and take appropriate action against i) bullying and harassment and ii) research misconduct, in comparison to the sector.
Established and Senior Staff:
OBU Established and Senior Staff were more likely than the sector average to report that the institution “mostly”/“fully” values their contributions, across all listed activities, including: grant applications, teaching and lecturing, publications, supervision, public/media dissemination, knowledge exchange activities, developing researchers and more.
100% of Established and Senior Staff recruited at OBU in the last 2 years reported that they “agree”/“agree strongly” with all statements relating to the university’s recruitment, selection and appointment process as fair, inclusive, transparent and merit-based.
Established and Senior Staff at OBU were more likely than the sector average to “agree”/“agree strongly” with all statements in the section relating to:
- recognition for contributions
- institution promoting the highest standards of research integrity and conduct
- clear expectations from managers
- institutional commitment to equality and diversity
- promotion of and support for good mental health and wellbeing.
OBU Established and Senior Staff were more likely than the sector average to report that they “agree”/“agree strongly” with all statements in the section relating to:
- job satisfaction
- feeling valued at work
- manager promotes good work-life balance
- feeling included in immediate research environment/group
- encouraged to take positive action to maintain mental health and wellbeing.
What we’re working on:
We will never stop working to provide continuous improvements to the environment and culture, working conditions and development of our Research-Only Staff and their Managers. Our CEDARS 2023 action plan outlines our plans over the next two years to revise policy, procedures, pathways, training and awareness, around key issues:
For Researchers:
- Family leave
- Redundancy
- Promotion pathways
- A narrative CV approach to internal promotions
For Established & Senior Staff:
- Experience of Performance & Development Review (PDR)
- Maintaining formal records of continuing professional development
- Reporting bullying and harassment/research misconduct
- A narrative CV approach to internal promotions
You can find further details in the Oxford Brookes University CEDARS 2023 Highlights Report & Action Plan.