Managers of Researchers

The University is a signatory to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, an agreement to provide an excellent environment and culture, conditions of employment and development opportunities for our Research-Only Staff. In recognition of our commitment to this Concordat, Oxford Brookes University has held the HR Excellence in Research Award since 2012. View the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers website.

Managers of Researchers Training Bundle

In addition to responsibilities on Institutions and on Researchers, the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers places a number of responsibilities on Managers of Researchers to support the environment and culture, working conditions and development of their Research-Only Staff. View the public page for Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.

The Researcher Development team, working with the Careers Centre, has put together a suite of bite-sized, on demand training videos, slides and resources, to help you navigate these Concordat responsibilities, known as the Managers of Researchers training bundle. The focus is on managing and developing your Research-Only Staff. It aims to provide guidance for new or aspiring managers and a refresher or reminder for established managers. Content is updated annually.

One Manager’s testimony: “These talks provide a useful reference, even for experienced managers, to address aspects of managing staff that will occur from time to time. The signposting through is excellent and very useful.”

If you have already been given access, you can find the Managers of Researchers training bundle here. If you are about to become a new Manager of a Contract Researcher or wish to learn more about the expectations/responsibilities of Managers of Researchers, any member of staff can request access here.

To supplement this training bundle, Managers of Researchers may wish to register for the annual training sessions, “Managing an External Research Grant” (March) or “Leading a Successful Research Group” (June), available as part of the University Research & KE Training programme.

Executive Coaching for Research Leaders

Subject to continued funding, Managers of Researchers will also be sent an invited annual call (usually in September) to apply to undertake Research Leadership Coaching with an external Coach.

Culture, Employment & Development in Academic Research Survey (CEDARS)

CEDARS is a national survey to obtain data about the research environment, working conditions, career aspirations and professional development opportunities of Researchers. You can read about the highlights of the latest CEDARS survey at Oxford Brookes University on our CEDARS web page. At CEDARS 2023, our Established and Senior Staff were notably more likely than the sector average to report that the institution “mostly”/“fully” values their contributions, across all 14 listed activities, e.g. grant applications, teaching, publications, supervision, public engagement, knowledge exchange, developing researchers and more. You can also read about the areas we’re working on to provide continuous improvements to policy, procedures, pathways, training and awareness, for both our Researchers and their Managers.