Undergraduate Confirmation Forum Sub-Committee

Role of the UCF Sub-Committee

The sub-committee meets to consider and review exceptional cases where either the regulations or the subject rules have not been met and the subject would like extenuating circumstances to be taken into account so that an award can be made. The sub-committee will meet before the main UCF meeting and will report its discussions in summary to UCF for comment.


Membership of UCF sub-committee will be as follows:

  • Pro-vice Chancellor (student experience) or Academic Registrar (chair)
  • Deputy Director of Academic and Student Administration and Head of Student Records and Curriculum Management
  • Head of Taught Student Information Management (clerk to the UCF)
  • Chief External Examiner (2)
  • Two members representing the UCF

The term of office for the representatives will be 2-3 years, reflecting a range of 'interests' in terms of awards and faculties.