Meet the team

Meet the talented, creative, enthusiastic and welcoming people who make our Centre work so well.

If you are a student interested in courses, tutorials, workshops or online resources that can help you reach your full academic potential, we would love to hear from you.

If you are a member of staff wanting to explore how we can work in a joined-up way to help develop the student academic experience, then please get in touch. 

Claire Bennett

Claire Bennett

Learning Development Tutor

Claire joined the team in 2021. Prior to joining the team she was a learning support tutor on the Foundation Art and Design. Claire works with students on our 1:1 tutorials, has been part of the team that developed the Head Into Brookes self-study course for new students and convenes our Writing Hub events.

Heather Callaghan

Lecturer in Statistics and Mathematics

Heather joined Oxford Brookes in 2022 as a Lecturer in Mathematics and Statistics after working in China. She works with students in 1:1 tutorials and holds weekly drop-in sessions for students to come and ask any quick questions they have. She is passionate about helping students gain confidence in maths and overcome their numerical fears. 

Heather Callaghan
Melissa Castro

Melissa Castro

Centre for Academic Development Receptionist

Melissa obtained a BSc in Psychology and Anthropology at the Univeristy of Toronto in Canada in 2019. She is currently completing her MSc in Primate Conservation at Oxford Brookes. She is bilingual in Spanish and has experience in customer service and student support services.

Mary Deane

Lecturer in Academic Language and Literacies

Dr. Mary Deane joined the Centre for Academic Development in 2022. She teaches academic literacies within disciplines and supports colleagues to explore ways of helping all learners to reach their full potential. Mary's research interests include programme evaluation and academics' career development. 

Mary Deane
Stefani Goga

Stefani Goga

Lecturer in Academic Language and Literacies

Stefani came to Brookes in 2019 after a career in international English-language teaching. Before working at Brookes she also taught pre-sessional and foundation level English for Academic Purposes. Stefani module leads INSE4001 and INSE 4002, our two postgraduate Academic Writing modules, and also works closely with faculties to develop longer discipline-specific content including Academic English for Nursing (NURS4008) and Developing MA Literacies (EDUC7003).

Kirsten Hall

Learning Development Tutor

Kirsten has been a Learning Developer since 2007. Her work is informed by her coaching expertise and earlier work in research, English language teaching and  with refugees. Kirsten is a key link with Student Support Services, and has a specialism in working with students with dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties. She is the key contact for Sanctuary Scholarship and care experienced students.

Kirsten Hall
Joanna Lumawig

Joanna Lumawig

Centre for Academic Development Coordinator

Joanna joined the Centre for Academic Development in 2018. She has a degree in International Business Management from Oxford Brookes University and she has been working in the University since 2015. Her work experiences include roles in customer service, hospitality and space planning.  

Clare Mccullagh

Learning Development Tutor

Clare joined the Centre for Academic Development in 2023. Her work in supporting students is informed by her background in English language teaching and academic staff development. Her responsibilities include 1:1 tutorials and embedded academic languages and literacies support within faculties. Clare is passionate about developing students' self-confidence and sense of belonging whilst they are studying.

Clare Mccullagh
Martha O'Curry

Martha O'Curry

Deputy Head of Centre for Academic Development

With a background in English language teaching and teacher training, Martha has worked at Oxford Brookes since 2013 and taught across a range of programmes including the International foundation programme and BA English Language and Linguistics. She is responsible for managing our In-Sessional Academic English modules, embedded academic language and literacies support (DLLS), and the workshop programme. She is the module leader for INSE4006 Essential Academic Writing and NURS4008 Academic English for Nursing.

Catrin Radcliffe

Lecturer in Statistics and Mathematics

Catrin Radcliffe is an Associate Lecturer in Mathematics and Statistics who has been working with the Centre since 2012.

Catrin Radcliffe
Michelle Reid

Michelle Reid

Learning Development Tutor

Michelle has worked in learning development for more than 14 years and came to Brookes in 2019. Michelle is involved in 1:1 tutorials and delivers workshops on a range of topics including adapting to postgraduate level study. She redeveloped our A-Z of online study resources and was part of the team who created the Head into Brookes course for new students. 

Annalisa Roldan

Centre for Academic Development Receptionist

Annalisa joined the Centre for Academic Development Team in December 2020. After completing her degree in Applied Languages and International Communication in France, she arrived in Oxford in January 2020 for an internship and decided to stay and join the Oxford Brookes team. She has experiences in customer support, hospitality and academic student services.

Annalisa Roldan
Kevin Watson

Kevin Watson

Head of Department and Centre for Academic Development Tutor

Kevin has been teaching in higher education for over 20 years and is responsible for our 1:1 service, web pages, outreach activities and the continued development of the Centre for Academic Development as an integrated part of Student Development Services. Kevin is particularly interested in the impact of perceived identities on learner outcomes and developing strategies to ensure that the Centre is effective as a welcoming and inclusive space for all students. 

Zephra Weber

Lecturer in Academic Language and Literacies

With a background in both English language teaching and learning development, Zephra joined the Centre in 2018 after teaching at a university in the US. She often works with international students in 1:1s and is passionate about helping students develop their approach to critical writing. 

Zephra Weber