Multifaith Chaplaincy

Spiritual and pastoral care for the University community

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Whoever you are, you belong here

 Announcement Friday Jummah Prayers will be said in the Sir Kenneth Wheare Hall, Clerici G.03, at 1.00pm from Weeks 0 - 12 (January to April 2025).

The Multifaith Chaplaincy offers spiritual and pastoral care for the University community. We offer a range of events, including regular worship and religious services and social events. We are open to students and staff from any background, of any identity, and any faith or none.
  • Student, staff, or visitor 
  • Atheist, religious, or something in between
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate
  • K-pop fan, classical musician, or metalhead
  • British, international, or a refugee
  • LGBTQ+, straight, asexual, or if you don’t know what this means
  • Studying education, nursing, humanities or sciences
  • Healthy or living with mental or physical illness
  • Right-wing, left-wing or not interested.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2025

Monday 27 January, 12.00pm in the Garden Room

Ground floor of the Buckley Building, Headington campus

A brief, solemn commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day to reflect on the people who have died in, or survived beyond, the Holocaust and more recent 20th and 21st century genocides. Genocides represent a failure of humanity to learn from the Holocaust and are a reminder for all of us that we must be prepared to guard against genocide happening again in the future.

The candle flame is a symbol of remembrance

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